Language Arts
“Semillas de Adoración” Une grupos étnicos y generacionales

El proyecto “Semillas de Adoración,” que puso en marcha Van Nuys United Methodist Church, permitió la integración de personas de diferentes trasfondos étnicos y generacionales, con singular éxito. Porque gracias a las estrategias que esta congregación ejecutó, pudieron transmitir la enseñanza, y hacerlo como un solo cuerpo al momento de aprender y de adorar, creando una fuerte experiencia entre todas las personas involucradas.

August 7, 2024
El segundo tiempo ordinario (mayo y junio) del año cristiano y el calendario litúrgico

La Trinidad como modelo para la unidad y misión de la iglesia y la multifacética obra del Espíritu Santo en nosotros.

July 1, 2024

Cunado el camino se torna difícil: El sufrimiento y la presencia de Dios

En medio, entre el salmo uno y el 150, se encuentra la vida con toda su complejidad. Es un camino con altas y bajas, con obstáculos y desviaciones, con trampas y peligros. Eso es lo que encontramos en los demás salmos. Es un camino tortuoso, difícil, plagado de sufrimientos, luchas, enemigos, triunfos, pecados, confesiones, tentaciones, súplicas desesperadas, gratitud y alabanza por la respuesta divina. Son salmos que a menudo expresan las múltiples y diversas experiencias del individuo como también experiencias de toda la comunidad, de la nación. Son salmos que tocan realidades sociales, económicas, políticas, toda la vida desde la perspectiva de la fe.

April 5, 2024
Dwelling in the Word: Simple Practice Leads to Spirit-led Mission

Explore Dwelling in the Word, a communal way of engaging Scripture that helps people encounter God, fellow dwellers, and other neighbors. The change happens over time as people repeatedly listen to and discuss the same passage.

August 18, 2023
Children and Youth Can Dwell in the Word Too

Dwelling in the Word is a tool for helping people of all ages—even children—to read and reflect on the Bible together. Doing so helps them to see the Bible as an ongoing story in which God invites us to participate in God’s mission for the world.

August 18, 2023

Nine Tips to Effectively Embed Dwelling in the Word

The communal practice of Dwelling in the Word has great potential for building congregational bonds with God, each other, and neighbors. These nine tips can help your church discern God’s promised and preferred future for you as you wait for Christ to return and make all things new.

August 18, 2023
Dru Johnson on Bible Literacy, Fluency, and Engagement

Biblical scholar Dru Johnson explains how churches and even the U.S. criminal justice system might be different if more people who identify as Christian were more familiar with the whole of Scripture.

July 7, 2023
Everyday Faith: Possibilities, Limits, and Callings, with special guest Jeremy Begbie

Music and language form the backbone of nearly every public worship service, yet we don’t often reflect on the implications of this pairing. What is the relationship of music and language in Christian worship, and how might we best utilize them—separately and together—to give God glory and to form the faith of worshipers? Watch this webinar with Professor Jeremy Begbie of Duke Divinity School, who helps us think more deeply about how we can do justice to the primacy of the Word in worship while also honoring the immense powers of a non-verbal medium such as music. Dr. Begbie is interviewed by Noel Snyder, program manager at CICW.

August 17, 2021

Emmanuel Olusola Fasipe on Oral Culture and Christian Worship

Christians who see themselves as "people of the book" read about the Word made flesh. They may treasure "I Love to Tell the Story" in their hymnals yet feel skeptical of Christians who prefer to express and pass on faith through oral culture. A Nigerian worship scholar explains the benefits of oral practices in church worship.

July 26, 2021
Jeff Barker on Combining Music and Public Scripture Reading

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed many churches to do online worship services, inspiring some liturgists to more creatively present Bible readings. Jeff Barker explains how to combine music with the lections or scripture passages.

September 9, 2020
Creative Scripture Reading for Virtual Worship

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many churches still gather through virtual worship. Finding creative ways to read the Bible for online worship services can help worshipers experience what Romans 15:4 promises: “The Scriptures give us strength to go on.”

September 9, 2020