Faith Formation
Leopoldo Sánchez on Holy Spirit Worship Practices at Christmas and Beyond

Advent and Christmas present unexpected opportunities to remind us how the Holy Spirit empowers us to participate with and be more like Jesus Christ. The lectionary, visuals, cultural traditions, “Come, Holy Spirit” prayers, and songs can invite us into the Trinitarian drama. Spoiler alert: these Spirit Christology approaches apply to every liturgical season. 

October 25, 2024
Sun Valley City Church Explores the Various Dimensions of Worship

Sun Valley City Church in California recently delved into the topic of worship from a systematic, spiritual, and mental point of departure as part of a project titled “A Ministerial Guide for Churches and Pastors.” In addition to worship, topics such as preaching and leadership were also touched upon through a series of conferences. These lessons were initially created for the benefit of the congregation but were shared also with pastors and leaders from other churches.

October 17, 2024
Una iglesia que enriquece con creatividad

“Recursos Bilingües para un Pueblo Bilingüe” es un proyecto grupal y colectivo que buscó identificar y desafiar a poetas, compositores, y a profetas emergentes, para que, bajo la inspiración del Espíritu de Dios, contribuyeran con el enriquecimiento del culto o servicio de adoración.

September 25, 2024

Enrichment Through Inclusive Creativity

“Bilingual Resources for Bilingual People” is an ambitious and collaborative project that sought to identify, engage, and challenge poets, songwriters, and emerging prophets. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, participants were called to contribute to the enrichment of worship services at La Fuente Ministries (Pasadena, CA). 

September 25, 2024
Being the Bridge Between Community and Church in Nepal

Higher Ground Nepal is a social enterprise that includes people from all walks of life in Nepal. Proselytizing is not allowed in Nepal, but when people see others living as the genuine presence of Christ in people’s situations, it makes a difference.

September 2, 2024
Arbin Pokharel on Shepherd Leadership in the Nepali Reformed Churches

The Nepali Reformed Churches are learning about biblical ecclesiology and shepherd leadership to become more Christ-centered and to prepare for a potentially turbulent future. Churches around the world can apply this learning in their own contexts.

September 2, 2024

Nuestra misión cristiana en el mundo actual: Relaciones cotidianas

El segundo tiempo ordinario del Año Cristiano y el Calendario litúrgico (Septiembre) 

Este mes continuamos con los temas de la misión cristiana y cómo se realiza ésta en nuestro diario vivir. Consideraremos algunos temas esenciales para que, de manera eficaz, seamos “sal de la tierra y luz del mundo.” Esos temas son el dinero, las necesidades humanas, la familia y la iglesia. 

September 1, 2024
Nuestra misión cristiana en el mundo actual: Vocación y servicio.

El segundo tiempo ordinario del Año Cristiano y el Calendario litúrgico (Agosto)

Uno de los temas sugeridos para el segundo tiempo ordinario del calendario litúrgico es el de la misión cristiana. En este mes y el siguiente, sugerimos una serie de reflexiones que nos ayudarán a pensar y poner en práctica nuestra misión en el seno de nuestros países y sociedades.

Estos estudios se pueden usar como sermones o bien como estudios bíblicos (de allí su formato que incluye datos de trasfondo histórico de los textos bíblicos, algunas citas de documentos y autores latinoamericanos, un análisis somero del texto y algunas preguntas finales para discusión en grupos pequeños) que esperamos nos estimulen a vivir como pueblo de Dios ante los desafíos que enfrentamos cotidianamente. 

August 1, 2024
Derek Schuurman on Using Artificial Intelligence in Church

You are probably used to artificial intelligence (AI) suggesting ways to complete sentences in your emails and texts. Now that AI has the capacity to write sermons and mimic emotional care, how should AI be used in churches?

July 18, 2024

Derek Schuurman on a Reformed Worldview and Artificial Intelligence

Many Christians are wary about rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI). Some think AI has nothing to do with faith or the Bible. Others worry that AI will take over the world. Computer science scholar Derek Schuurman discusses how to connect bytes and beliefs.

July 18, 2024
Psalms for Families: Devotions for All Ages

Psalms for Families is a devotional e-book for the entire family designed to help parents explore the riches of the book of Psalms with their children and teens. These devotionals will help parents learn more about the psalms as they teach about praise, prayer, and lament.

July 10, 2024
Elizabeth Bajema: All Belong in God’s Family

Churches sometimes see themselves as inclusive simply because they have attendees from group homes. But true inclusion means getting to know people as individuals with gifts to offer in God’s family.

July 10, 2024