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Biblical Storytelling and the Drama of the Bible

In this conversation, actor, playwright, and professor Jeff Barker shares with pastor Paul Ryan his journey in Biblical storytelling as way to help students and worshiping communities hear and see the importance of scripture memorization, speaking the text, and reclaiming 'the plays' of the Bible.

December 2, 2021

Joys and Challenges of Intergenerational Worship and Congregational Life in Chinese Canadian Churches: A conversation with Herbert Tsang and Elizabeth Tamez Méndez

In this conversation, church music minister Herbert Tsang offers insights from first generation immigrant and 1.5 communities moving forward in ways that reach out and try new things with youth in areas such as language, worship music, and more.

November 18, 2021
Expanding Models of Ministry with Youth for Worship and Congregational Life

Congregations and worshiping communities desire to connect with youth in ways that will nurture their faith and draw them deeply into the life of the church. In this panel discussion, pastoral leaders will reflect on their context and ministry work with youth through the lens of several key values: youth agency, theological practices, the role of parents, intergenerational relationships, and multiple pathways into the life of the church. This is a YouTube Video Premiere panel discussion.

November 16, 2021
Healthy Collaborative Leadership: Principles and Practices for Pastors and Worship Leaders

How can church leaders work well together, support each other, hold each other accountable, and share power, all in healthy ways? How do differences in church polity and governance affect these roles and relationships? In this panel discussion, we will discuss a positive vision for healthy collaborative leadership and best practices for church leaders engaged in mutual support and accountability. This is a YouTube Video Premiere panel discussion.

November 16, 2021

One Body, Many Members: Disability and Diversity in the Church

"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body." -1 Cor. 12:12-13. The body of Christ is one body made up of individual members with both visible and hidden differences in abilities. What difference does it make to believe that each member has been arranged in the body as God has chosen? How can the church better live into the reality of this oneness while celebrating the gifts of its unique members regardless of ability? This is a YouTube Video Premiere panel discussion.

November 16, 2021
Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted

A YouTube Video Premiere worship service led by Setri Nyomi based on Matthew 5:10, “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

November 16, 2021
The Christian Year and Spiritual Wholeness

Approaching the Christian Year through the Lenses of Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, and Spiritual Formation. In this discussion, we will explore how ordering our worship and devotion around the life of Jesus has the potential to shape our whole selves, both individually and communally. This is a YouTube Video Premiere panel discussion.

November 16, 2021

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

A YouTube Video Premiere worship service led by Mandy Smith based on Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

November 16, 2021
Baptism as a Way of Life

How does the one-time act of receiving baptism connect to the everyday life of Christians? In this panel discussion, a group of pastor-theologians will reflect on the relationship of baptism as a worship practice and sacrament to baptism as a lived identity. This is a YouTube Video Premiere panel discussion.

November 16, 2021