Navajo Burials and Christian Hope
The COVID-19 pandemic has complicated death-related issues in the Navajo Nation. Even so, affirming all that's good about "walking in beauty" gives Navajos on the Jesus Way a bridge to comfort people bound by fearful Navajo taboos about death.
Teacher-Scholars awarded Vital Worship Grants for 2022 by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship announced today that it will fund 16 grants to Teacher-Scholars for 2022-2023 as part of its Vital Worship Grants Program.
Co-creating with Diverse Youth
Proskuneo Ministries, a Jesus-centered multicultural worshiping community, provides multiple spaces for the diverse youth of this town to experience safety, a sense of belonging, and individual and collective agency.
Prayers for God’s Leading: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Shaping a time of prayer for dwelling with Bible texts, prayer responses, songs of faith, and a concluding benediction.
Breathe, Be Still, Create
A contemplative service involving graphic design, spoken word, music, and a creative response led by Shayne McNichols, Assistant Director for the Center for Counseling & Wellness at Calvin University.
Environmental Justice and the Practices of the Church
A presentation by Noah Toly
Joys and Challenges of Intergenerational Worship and Congregational Life in Chinese Canadian Churches: A conversation with Herbert Tsang and Elizabeth Tamez Méndez
In this conversation, church music minister Herbert Tsang offers insights from first generation immigrant and 1.5 communities moving forward in ways that reach out and try new things with youth in areas such as language, worship music, and more.
The Beatitudes through Time... and Around the World
A presentation by Rebekah Eklund
Christian Worship and Cultural Identities
A conversation with Kenny Wallace and Satrina Reid
Christians and Cultural Difference
A conversation with Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim, David I. Smith, and Maria Cornou
Modern Day Prophets: How Artists and Activists Expand Public Worship
A conversation with Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Noel Snyder
Singing Bilingual Psalms from Passion Week through Ascension Day
A conversation with Tony Alonso.