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Baptism and Lord’s Supper Renewal Stories

Worship Renewal Grant recipients from diverse congregations described what they are learning about sacramental practices that nurture and strengthen faith in people of various ages and cultures.

February 22, 2013
Worship Together for All Ages: Will it work or is it expecting too much?

Many churches today are eager to present themselves as “intergenerational” in their worship. In a society that so easily separates people by age, developmental level, and experience, can the church succeed in keeping the generations together? Is this idea new and novel, or old and tested? What are the considerations and issues we’ll have to deal with? How do we accommodate different rates of faith development? What are the benefits of succeeding? We’ll draw on each other’s experiences and reexamine the conversations that The Church of All Ages started.

February 22, 2013

The New Adolescent and Sticky Faith

Research shows a decline in adolescent and young adult participation in church. An essential first step in responding to this crisis is being reintroduced to the new adolescent that dwells in our homes, schools and church communities.

February 22, 2013
Praying the Lord's Prayer

In this workshop we will examine the meaning of each petition in the Lord's Prayer in its original setting and what it means for us to repeat these petitions today

February 21, 2013
It's More Than a Ramp

In recent years, there has been a spate of theological work on persons with disabilities . Important questions abound: What do we mean by “disability”?

February 20, 2013

A Liturgical Approach to the Lord's Prayer

How does praying the Lord’s Prayer affect our mission and ways of living? We’ll explore creative possibilities, including doxology, gestures, language, offering, providence, temptation, and eschatological understandings of “thy Kingdom come .” Discover ways this ecumenical Christian prayer can empower our worshiping communities .

February 20, 2013
Different Views of the Lord's Supper/Communion/Eucharist throughout Christian History

This workshop looked at the richness and diversity of models of the meal that Jesus instituted on the night he was betrayed, evident in the New Testament narratives as well as in the history of the church

February 20, 2013
Preaching in a Visual Age Workshop

Many preachers and Christians wonder: What place does “preaching” have in our image-shaped world? How do we bring the gospel word to people inundated by images?

February 20, 2013

Preaching in a Visual Age

From St . Augustine to Martin Luther and from George Whitfield to Martin Luther King Jr., preaching the gospel has been the very heart of the Christian church’s approach to renewal and engaging society with the claims of God and God’s Kingdom.

February 20, 2013