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A Refugee Looks at the Psalms of Ascent

Recent unrest, conflict, and war have caused an unprecedented refugee crisis. The plight of Syrian, Iraqi, and other Middle Eastern refugees has shocked the whole world. Also, many youth and children are trying to enter the United States from Central America to escape violence and poverty.

May 12, 2016
Un Refugiado Mira a los Salmos del Ascenso

Los disturbios, conflictos, y guerras de los últimos cien años han causado una enorme crisis. El sufrimiento de refugiados de Siria, Iraq, y otros países del Oriente Medio ha dejado estupefacto al mundo entero. También, muchos niños y jóvenes centroamericanos tratan de entrar a los Estados Unidos para escapar violencia y pobreza.

May 12, 2016

El culto como práctica formativa

Uno de los movimientos más importantes en los campos de Estudios Litúrgicos y Educación Cristiana en los últimos 30 años ha sido un renovado énfasis en cómo las prácticas cristianas modelan la espiritualidad de la congregación y de sus miembros.

April 28, 2016
Work, Worship, and Mission: Overlooked First Steps of Missional Ministry

There is a lot of talk about missional communities in North American churches today. These important conversations are helpful as we think about the church’s witness to society.

April 21, 2016
Rediscovering Biblical Lament and Christian Hope in a Congregational Context

How can congregations reclaim the biblical practice of bringing both grief and anger before the Lord in prayer and worship? How can these practices ultimately be an expression of Christian hope in God’s promises?

April 21, 2016

Preaching to and with Millennials

Learn what Pastor Mary Hulst has discovered as a college chaplain and why she thinks the future of the North American church relies on preaching that engages this generation.

April 21, 2016
Bad Worship in the Bible

What does the Bible have to say about bad worship? And how might we strive to learn from what it says and adjust our own worship practices accordingly?

April 21, 2016
When Music Helps Us Hear the Bible

Sometimes the Bible rejoices when joined by song and sound! In this workshop, we experience a variety of simple ways music can help us receive the scripture in worship with our heads and our hearts.

March 17, 2016