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Mental Health and the Practice of Christian Public Worship: An Exploratory Conversation

Sessions related to mental health are not a common feature of many conferences on worship. Yet mental-health-related concerns affect as many as one in five people at any given time, with one of every twenty-five people living with serious mental health challenges. More than four in ten people in the United States experiences a psychological disorder in their lifetime. What we say or fail to say about these challenges in worship settings can be profoundly formative for how Christian communities respond to these challenges

February 13, 2018
Models of Mentorship: Training the Next Generation of Worship Leaders

In this session, a panel of experienced mentors shared the models of mentoring used in their contexts, explored the implicit and explicit goals of each model, and explained how each model trains and equips mentors.

February 9, 2018
A Random, Crazy List or Really Cogent Lections: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary

In this session, the panelists discussed the structure of the lectionary system and the advantages and challenges of its use.

February 8, 2018

Congregations and Sermons: A Biblical Scholar's Vision for Imaginative, Communal Sermon Listening

Most of us consider the Bible more than an anthology or a textual repository for the ancient Israelites' and early Christians' religious traditions.

July 6, 2017

Classics, Ancient and Modern: A Historian's Recommendations for Thoughtful Christian Living

In the fourth century, Christian intellectuals, many of whom were educated in secular contexts, debated fiercely about the role of classical literature and culture in the life of the Church.

July 6, 2017
What Difference Does Church Location Make? A Philosopher's Insights on New Urbanism

The location of your church makes a big difference in shaping Christian life and witness.

June 29, 2017

Why the Church Needs History, Especially Now: A Historian's Vision for Equipping the Church

At a time of increasing cultural and political polarization, the North American church faces enormous challenges in embodying the unity of Christ and living out Christ's mission in this time and place.

June 28, 2017
Here Are My Hands: A Practical Workshop on Affirming Vocation in Weekly Worship Practices

Isaac Wardell, Bruce Benedict, and Laura Fanucci provide some very practical first steps for congregations with a desire to address vocation in worship.

February 23, 2017