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Stacey Edwards-Dunn on African American Infertility and the Church’s Response

People experiencing infertility often suffer in silence. African Americans experience more infertility than other racial groups. But churches can offer healing when they open the door for conversations and include these sorrows in worship.

April 24, 2020
Recursos para iglesias en tiempos de coronavirus

Debido a la reciente pandemia COVID-19, iglesias y comunidades de adoración han sido forzadas a implementar medidas de aislamiento social y nuevas prácticas de adoración. Los siguientes recursos han sido recopilados de diferentes organizaciones, profesionales y artistas, y representan una variedad de respuestas para el ministerio cristiano en este nuevo contexto, con énfasis en el ministerio de adoración.

April 21, 2020

Intergenerational Youth Ministry During COVID-19

Congregations looking to keep their members connected as the body of Christ could organize a “mail buddy” system, pairing children and youth with other church members homebound because of COVID-19.

April 14, 2020
Shaping Worship During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Maintaining Community via Virtual Worship at St. Monica Catholic Community, Santa Monica, California

St. Monica Catholic Community aims to welcome and engage every member toward deeper participation in worship and parish life. In this edited conversation, Dale Sieverding explains how to keep members of a church community feeling connected even though they cannot commune together.

April 14, 2020
Good Shepherd Sunday in a COVID-Shaped World

John D. Witvliet, director of Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, introduces resources on how to observe the Good Shepherd Sunday in the time of COVID-19 pandemic.

April 14, 2020

Dennis R. Edwards on 1 Peter and Good Shepherd Sunday

For lectionary Year A, Good Shepherd Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Easter, includes a reading from 1 Peter. New Testament scholar Dennis R. Edwards explains why Peter’s first letter is especially relevant as people deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 14, 2020
Shaping Worship During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sparking New Connections at New Mount Zion Baptist Church, Roxboro, North Carolina

Like many congregations, New Mount Zion Baptist Church has people with varying abilities, incomes, and technology access. In this edited conversation, LaTonya McIver Penny shares how to use a mix of digital and old-fashioned ways to help worshipers and community members stay connected.

April 14, 2020
Good Shepherd Sunday

Many Christian traditions mark the fourth Sunday of Easter as Good Shepherd Sunday, centering worship around the compelling image of Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd as found in John 10, and complementing that with reading or singing Psalm 23 and other texts that unfold the beauty and power of this image.

April 13, 2020

Spiritual First Aid during a Time of Crisis

Drawing from her past experience of shelter-in-place in Central African Republic, Ann Plantinga Kapteyn offers insights and resources for coping with trauma during COVID-19 pandemic.

April 9, 2020
Prayers for Protection in Places of Exile, Fear, and Uncertainty

In a time of fear, uncertainty, and isolation because of COVID-19, ancient prayers of protection can remind us of God’s sovereignty and care. Here, Debra Paxton-Buursma, professor of education at Calvin University, explores St. Patrick’s Prayer of Protection, set to music by a modern composer who himself faced danger and exile.

April 7, 2020