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Brandon Helder on The Gift of the Cross Holy Week Devotional for Children

Brandon Helder's elementary students and his own children responded to tactile Jesse Tree devotionals during Advent, but he couldn't find similar Holy Week resources. To help children and families anticipate Easter, Helder wrote The Gift of the Cross: Celebrating Christ Through Holy Week and designed Resurrection Blocks.

December 9, 2021
Worship in the Big Tent

Playwriter and worship pastor Christopher Greco reflects on the effective use of interruption, surprise, spontaneity, narrative eclecticism, motivated participation, and intergenerational collaboration as tools to engage congregants in worship in the face of significant disparities in age, culture, and Christian tradition, or lack thereof.

December 3, 2021

Eat This Book: What Eugene Peterson Can Still Teach Us About Loving God, the Bible, and Worship

A conversation with Winn Collier and Mary Hulst.

December 2, 2021
Teacher-Scholars awarded Vital Worship Grants for 2022  by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship  

The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship announced today that it will fund 16 grants to Teacher-Scholars for 2022-2023 as part of its Vital Worship Grants Program.

December 1, 2021

Navajo Christians Build Relationships through Scripture and Culture

Window Rock Christian Reformed Church used a Vital Worship Grant project to connect with more people by engaging scripture in ways reflective of Navajo cultural practices.

December 1, 2021
Navajo Burials and Christian Hope

The COVID-19 pandemic has complicated death-related issues in the Navajo Nation. Even so, affirming all that's good about "walking in beauty" gives Navajos on the Jesus Way a bridge to comfort people bound by fearful Navajo taboos about death.

December 1, 2021
Co-creating with Diverse Youth 

Proskuneo Ministries, a Jesus-centered multicultural worshiping community, provides multiple spaces for the diverse youth of this town to experience safety, a sense of belonging, and individual and collective agency. 

November 23, 2021

Breathe, Be Still, Create

A contemplative service involving graphic design, spoken word, music, and a creative response led by Shayne McNichols, Assistant Director for the Center for Counseling & Wellness at Calvin University.

November 19, 2021