
Amanda Benckhuysen on Preaching from the Minor Prophets

Most congregations have never heard a sermon preached from the prophetic books of Nahum or Obadiah. Other than a few choice passages in Jeremiah or Isaiah, the major prophets are mainly ignored too. That means worshipers are missing out on more than a quarter of inspired Scripture.

December 12, 2018
Mental Illness and Christian Worship

This topic showcase highlights resources for including people with mental illnesses in worship. Congregations that renew their worship to become more inclusive discover that everyone benefits.

October 30, 2018

Martin Tel on Creative Movement and Placement for Church Choirs

How and where a church choir enters, stands, and moves can make a difference in how deeply a congregation engages in singing and other parts of worship.

May 17, 2018
The Coming of Esau: An Advent Story

Join with Jeff Barker and Northwester College Scripture Arts Team in this worship service based on the entire dramatic, biblical story story of Esau and his younger brother, Jacob.

April 27, 2018