Visual Arts

Finding Stories for Sunday's Sermon

Although sermon preparation involves lots of steps-everything from selecting a text to embodying the sermon on Sunday-the search for meaningful illustrative material during the week is often the most frustrating.

January 1, 2008
Using the Lenten Triad

A familiar feature of Advent and Christmas worship both at home and in church is the Advent wreath. Each Sunday of Advent another candle is lit, culminating in the lighting of the Christ Candle on Christmas Day.

December 1, 2007
Digital Storytelling: Use multimedia in worship to enhance, not replace

Biblical storytellers Tracy Radosevic and Tim Coombs and liturgical media arts expert Eileen D. Crowley explain how to tell God's stories in a digital age. They show how to add layers of images, sounds, and experiences to enhance worship. A feature story exploring the use of multimedia in worship.

November 30, 2007

Getting Started with Liturgical Media Arts

Whether you think of it as digital storytelling or liturgical media arts, your congregation probably has—or has thought about buying—multimedia equipment to use in worship.

November 30, 2007
How Church Architecture Affects Lord's Supper Practices

Does your church visually convey a message that contradicts your theology of communion or mass? Mark A. Torgerson explains how church architecture and sanctuary design can inhibit or enhance a more full and communal Eucharist celebration. A feature story on how Church architecture affects Lord's Supper practices.

August 17, 2007

Good Taste, Bad Taste, and Christian Taste

Talk about worship aesthetics need not polarize people. Frank Burch Brown tells how to be more inclusive in arts and worship, yet also more discerning. A feature story exploring the idea of "taste" and aesthetics in Christian Worship.

January 5, 2007
Good Taste, Bad Taste, and Christian Taste

Talk about worship aesthetics need not polarize people. Frank Burch Brown tells how to be more inclusive in arts and worship, yet also more discerning. A feature story exploring the idea of "taste" and aesthetics in Christian Worship.

January 5, 2007
Embracing Our Inheritance: Appreciating and Maximizing Our Worship Environments

The physical locations and buildings that we use for worshiping the Triune God are influenced by the theological beliefs and choices of those who have gone before us.

January 1, 2007