Visual Arts

Lisa De Boer on Changing Roles of Visual Art in Churches

Lisa De Boer summarizes her research on the changing role of visual arts in North American churches since World War II. Knowing a bit of this history may help you introduce or strengthen the arts in your congregation.

May 30, 2012
Lisa De Boer on Creating a Sustainable Church Arts Ministry

Lisa De Boer talks about the more complex step of moving from displaying art in a church gallery to including visual arts in worship.

May 30, 2012
Lisa De Boer on Changing Roles of Visual Art in Churches

Lisa De Boer summarizes her research on the changing role of visual arts in North American churches since World War II. Knowing a bit of this history may help you introduce or strengthen the arts in your congregation.

May 30, 2012

Lisa De Boer on Creating a Sustainable Church Arts Ministry

Lisa De Boer talks about the more complex step of moving from displaying art in a church gallery to including visual arts in worship.

May 30, 2012
Visual Arts: Images and the Screen

Where does one begin when planning visuals for projection? Google searching images for a service can be daunting task with so much stuff to sift through.

April 13, 2012
Visual Arts: Images and the Screen

Where does one begin when planning visuals for projection? Google searching images for a service can be daunting task with so much stuff to sift through.

April 13, 2012

Good Friday Christ's Cross: ‘Of First Importance‘

On some points of doctrine, honest Christians honestly disagree. On one point, however, all do agree: The cross lies at the very heart of the Christian message.

April 6, 2012
Hands To Worship and Embrace the One We Crucified

Consider the amazing dexterity of our hands. With them we care for our bodies: we wash, feed and groom ourselves. Think, too, of our remarkable ability with our hands to bring blessing or cursing upon others, to help them or to inflict deep hurt. The power of touch, whether for good or ill, is immense.

March 16, 2012
Visual Arts: Architecture and Liturgical Art

This showcase will explore resources to help you think in new ways about your worship environment, the architecture and the permanent or temporary visual installations that can not only enhance our praise and prayer but be praise and prayer.

February 29, 2012

Design Guidelines for Church Renovations

As you begin thinking about why and how to renovate your church, consider gathering a group to talk through these priorities and discussion questions.

February 14, 2012
Bibliography - Text and Image in Bible Study

After the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship published Dwelling with Philippians with Eerdmans in 2010, many church Bible study groups studied Philippians using this book as a resource, and have asked for more suggestions similar to Dwelling. Though there are few available on specific books of the Bible, this bibliography is an invitation to biblical study through image and word, each with a different approach.

February 14, 2012
Symposium 2012 Photo Slideshow

A slideshow of images from the 2012 Calvin Symposium on Worship, held January 26-28, 2012. The annual Calvin Symposium on Worship is an annual, three-day ecumenical conference that brings together a wide audience of pastors, worship leaders and planners, artists, musicians, scholars, students, and other interested worshipers. This year, the symposium explored praying and worshiping through the Psalms.

February 13, 2012