Universal Design

Vertical Habits: Missional Churches at Worship

In this workshop for new and emerging, as well as established and evolving congregations, we explored how new Christians and young children learn to relate to God, and what this teaches us about our practices of weekly congregational worship. The workshop featured insights from a number of congregations involved in a new Vertical Habits program hosted by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.

January 1, 2006

Making Worship Accessible for Persons with Disabilities

An article covering several important aspects of making your worship space accessible to those with physical disabilities.

June 1, 2004
Hospitality in Worship: A Reflection of God's Gracious Character

I did not become passionate about hospitality until I realized that it had to be rooted in grace. Not until my desire to reflect God’s hospitality to me, in no longer calling me a stranger, but in calling me a friend, did the hospitality I extend to others become linked to grace. When that happened, then hospitality became more than technique and more than a task.

February 18, 2000