Published on
June 1, 2004
A list of resources for learning about worship with the elderly.

Angerman, Jack and Sue. Older Adult Ministry: A Guide for the Presbytery Committee. (Louisville: Presbyterian Publishing Corp., 1990).

Carlson, Dosia. Engaging In Ministry with Older Adults. (The Alban Institute, 1997).

Clayton, J. “Let There Be Light: An Approach to Worship with Alzheimer’s Patients and Their Families.”Journal of Pastoral Care, 45:2 (1991), 177-179.

Kirkland, Kevin, and Howard McIlveen. Full Circle: Spiritual Therapy for the Elderly. (New York: The Haworth Press, 2000).

McKim, D.K. God Never Forgets: Faith, Hope, and Alzheimer’s Disease. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997).

Richards, M. “Communication ‘Soul to Soul’-Challenges for Care Providers.” The Southwest Journal on Aging, 15:2/16:1 (2000), 3-6.

Richards, M. and S. Seicol. “The Challenge of Maintaining Spiritual Connectedness for Persons Institutionalized with Dementia.” Journal of Religious Gerontology, 7:3 (1991), 27-40.

Robinson, Karen M., and Judy Kaye. “Spirituality Among Caregivers.” IMAGE: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 26:3 (Fall 1994), 118-221.

Schmit, Clayton J. Too Deep for Words: A Theology of Liturgical Expression. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002).

Young C. “Spirituality and the Chronically Ill Christian Elderly.” Geriatric Nursing, 14:6 (1993), 298-303.


Online Resources:

 PDF: Evening Star: A Handbook for Worship for Persons with Dementia (Holland Home) 

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