
Anne Emile Zaki on Preaching and Teaching in Today’s Egypt

After becoming a seminary professor in Egypt in 2013, Anne Zaki discovered two things about preaching that she hadn’t learned in the North American context.

June 15, 2018
Martin Tel on Creative Movement and Placement for Church Choirs

How and where a church choir enters, stands, and moves can make a difference in how deeply a congregation engages in singing and other parts of worship.

May 17, 2018
Isaac Wardell on Rethinking Calling and Vocation

Not everyone feels called to their job or experiences it as way to use their gifts to accomplish great things for God. There is a more satisfying way to think about how God calls each of us.

April 18, 2018

Isaac Wardell on Bringing Work into Worship

Daily work, paid and unpaid, consumes our lives, energy, and minds—even when we are in church. Here are ways to plan worship so people see themselves and their work as instruments of God.

April 18, 2018
The Future of Latino Protestants in America

Latino Protestantism is growing in the United States due to a combination of immigration, birth rates, and conversion. This expanding stream of American Christianity will foster shifts in the liturgy and worship of churches in unexpected ways.

April 10, 2018

Beyond Stigma to Hospitality: Creating a Gracious Space for People with Mental Illness

Worship and fellowship are sometimes difficult for people with mental illness because few people understand their experience and their needs in worship.

March 13, 2018
Teaching and Learning in Christian Congregations and Ministries

This session featured insights from a variety of people who love to teach in ways that help people in ordinary congregations learn about worship, the arts, inclusion, and, ultimately, Jesus himself.

February 28, 2018

Mental Health and the Practice of Christian Public Worship: An Exploratory Conversation

Sessions related to mental health are not a common feature of many conferences on worship. Yet mental-health-related concerns affect as many as one in five people at any given time, with one of every twenty-five people living with serious mental health challenges. More than four in ten people in the United States experiences a psychological disorder in their lifetime. What we say or fail to say about these challenges in worship settings can be profoundly formative for how Christian communities respond to these challenges

February 13, 2018
A Random, Crazy List or Really Cogent Lections: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary

In this session, the panelists discussed the structure of the lectionary system and the advantages and challenges of its use.

February 8, 2018