
Gregory Heille on the Dominican View of Preaching

The Dominican Order is dedicated to preaching—in and out of the pulpit. Eight hundred years after its founding, the order includes more lay members than sisters and nuns and friars combined.

August 2, 2018
Gregory Heille on the Dominican Preaching Network

Dominican homiletics teachers in Europe, Asia, and North America collaborate to raise up new leaders to foster the Dominican preaching mission around the world.

August 2, 2018
Gregory Heille on Pope Francis: ‘Instantly on Message’

From his first day in office, Pope Francis translated his Latin American perspective into a global vision for the Catholic Church.

August 2, 2018

Karoline Lewis on the Power of Women in Ministry

Women navigating life in ministry face unique challenges. Naming these realities is the first step to helping women and men recognize them and respond proactively.

July 18, 2018
Karoline Lewis on Helping New Preachers Find Their Voice

For beginning preachers, both women and men, finding their authentic voice requires deep self-reflection in a supportive, respectful context.

July 18, 2018

Karoline Lewis on the Power of Women in Ministry

Women navigating life in ministry face unique challenges. Naming these realities is the first step to helping women and men recognize them and respond proactively.

July 18, 2018
Karoline Lewis on Helping New Preachers Find Their Voice

For beginning preachers, both women and men, finding their authentic voice requires deep self-reflection in a supportive, respectful context.

July 18, 2018
The Impact of Peer Learning Groups for the Preaching Life

The leader of preaching peer groups in northern Indiana and on Chicago’s South Side shares his insights about what makes these groups so effective.

July 16, 2018

Matthew D. Kim on Preaching with Cultural Intelligence

Preachers who interpret scripture without paying attention to cultural, ethnic, and other differences in their congregation miss out on opportunities to build bridges to their listeners’ lives.

June 29, 2018
Matthew D. Kim on Preaching with Cultural Intelligence

Preachers who interpret scripture without paying attention to cultural, ethnic, and other differences in their congregation miss out on opportunities to build bridges to their listeners’ lives.

June 29, 2018
Anne Emile Zaki on Preaching and Teaching in Today’s Egypt

After becoming a seminary professor in Egypt in 2013, Anne Zaki discovered two things about preaching that she hadn’t learned in the North American context.

June 15, 2018