
How to Include More Heaven in Your Worship Music

Songs often sink into worshipers hearts and influence how they understand and experience life. As you include more songs that mention heaven, pay attention to the beliefs that permeate them.

July 7, 2006
The Case for Reciting Creeds in Worship

Albert Aymer believes more churches should use creeds in worship. A feature story exploring the case for reciting creeds in worship to connect with our past and enrich our worship.

March 31, 2006
Eugene Peterson on God's Standing Invitation: Eat This Book

Whether translating the Bible from original Hebrew and Greek or writing spiritual theology, Eugene Peterson says he has one aim--getting Scripture into the hearts, minds, arms, legs, and mouths of men and women. A feature story exploring Eugene Peterson's view on Christians reading and internalizing the Bible.

March 3, 2006

God in three persons: service plans for a four-week series on the Trinity

My children still can’t believe that I am unable to discern the three-dimensional image in a magic-eye picture.

March 1, 2006
Trinity Matters: The Trinity needs to be named regularly in our worship

I wonder if the theological slush of congregational life in North America has left many ministers and congregations without a trinitarian vocabulary and doctrine actively shaping, challenging, and anchoring our faith. “Bless eternity” or “Blessed Trinity”? Does it really matter?

March 1, 2006

How Are We Doing?: A conversation about celebrating the sacraments

Sometimes worship leaders need to step back and take stock of current practices. What are we doing well? What areas need more attention?

March 1, 2006
The Belgic Confession in Q&A Format page 1 of 3 - from Reformed Worship

The Only God What do you believe about God? We all believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that there is a single and simple spiritual being, whom we call God.

March 1, 2006
On Worship Education, Helpful Themes for Discussion, and Choosing Carpet Colors

One of the major stumbling blocks we face is that most members of our congregation know very little about worship. But we don’t want to make worship didactic. Any advice?

March 1, 2006

It Takes a Team: Examining the Worship Planning Process

So what is the best way to organize the worship planning process? Here are a few observations, along with a model for analyzing your own congregation’s worship planning routine.

March 1, 2006
Reclaiming the Promise of Ascension

Many Christians skip from Easter to Pentecost because they don't understand why Christ's ascension matters. A feature story exploring the importance of Christ's Ascension.

February 17, 2006