
Symposium 2012 - Plenary Address: Performing a Counter World: the Alternative Reality Offered by the Psalms for the Worlds We Inhabit

Performing a Counter World: the Alternative Reality Offered by the Psalms for the Worlds We Inhabit is a plenary address presented by Walter Brueggemann at the 2012 Calvin Symposium on Worship.

September 18, 2014
Six Tips on Teaching Worship in Seminaries

Two seminaries seek the sweet spot among worship classes and chapel services. They aim to produce ministers ready to lead worshipers in full, conscious, active participation.

August 29, 2014

Six Tips on Teaching Worship in Seminaries

Two seminaries seek the sweet spot among worship classes and chapel services. They aim to produce ministers ready to lead worshipers in full, conscious, active participation.

August 29, 2014
Adoración y culto cristiano

Recursos para reflexionar sobre la adoración cristiana y para crear cultos congregacionales que sean sólidamente bíblicos, trinitarios, dialógicos, hospitalarios, y excelentes.

August 4, 2014

Jeremy Zeyl on Singing the Heidelberg Catechism

Jeremy Zeyl is an award-winning singer-songwriter and the director of worship at Talbot Street Christian Reformed Church in London, Ontario.

July 21, 2014
Karen Campbell, Jerry Pillay and Eric Sarwar on Global Prayer

Praying for the worldwide church was a priority at the 2014 Calvin Symposium on Worship in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Leaders from many nations described how to pray for their churches and fellow citizens. Three of them, all Presbyterian pastors, also gave brief interviews.

April 28, 2014