
Catherine Gunsalus González on Ancient Resources for Today’s Worship

As in the second century, people come to churches today not knowing much about Christianity. Discoveries about early church worship can help Protestants and Catholics disciple newcomers.

November 26, 2014
Colleen Kwong on Using Art to Include Shut-ins

When strokes, illness or other challenges keep people from attending worship, they often fall off the congregation’s radar. Here are ideas for using visual arts to reconnect and include such people in worship and church life.

September 24, 2014
Invitation to Christ: Sacramentally Centered Worshiping Communities

In worship, Christ is proclaimed to us not only in the Word that falls on our ears, but also in the “visible words” that are set before our eyes. At the font, God’s grace is washed upon our brows, and at the Lord’s Table, it is received into our hands and tasted with our mouths.

February 25, 2013

Baptism and Lord’s Supper Renewal Stories

Worship Renewal Grant recipients from diverse congregations described what they are learning about sacramental practices that nurture and strengthen faith in people of various ages and cultures.

February 22, 2013
Baptism in Art, Ritual, and Symbol

Using the resources of ancient texts, architectural remains, and visual art, this workshop aims first at uncovering baptism’s meaning for the first generations of Christians who received it and then at how that information can enrich our teaching about, preparation for, and practice of Christian baptism today.

February 22, 2013
Different Views of the Lord's Supper/Communion/Eucharist throughout Christian History

This workshop looked at the richness and diversity of models of the meal that Jesus instituted on the night he was betrayed, evident in the New Testament narratives as well as in the history of the church

February 20, 2013

Leading the Liturgy

The role and function of a worship leader should not be underestimated. The level of engagement for worshipers in a worship service often is influenced directly by the way in which a worship leader functions. The quality of the sermon, the significance of the music and the content of the liturgy needs to be matched by the engaging manner in which the worship leader serves.

February 1, 2013
Use Baptismal Imagery in Worship and Life

Reading Robin M. Jensen's book "Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity: Ritual, Visual, and Theological Dimensions" will give you many ideas for deepening baptismal identity in your congregation

August 22, 2012

Early Christian Baptismal Imagery for Today

Robin M. Jensen’s book Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity illuminates and illustrates the multiple meanings and biblical metaphors of baptism. It can awaken imagination for Christians and congregations to live into their baptized identity.

August 22, 2012
Celebration of Baptism

David Rylaarsdam’s family celebrates their baptism birthdays every year with a simple liturgy and cake. He used this baptism birthday liturgy for his son Simon’s 11th baptism birthday.

August 22, 2012
Baptism versus Dedication: Liturgical & Theological Considerations

A lesson plan to accompany Living Worship curriculum that addresses how liturgy and theology affect and inform each other, especially in connection with the choosing of a liturgy for baptism or dedication or both.

July 11, 2012