
Five Things I Love about My Preaching Peer Group

A young pastor calls his preaching peer group “a funeral and a pep rally in the same ninety minutes.” Find out why.

February 6, 2019

Five Things I Love about My Preaching Peer Group

A young pastor calls his preaching peer group “a funeral and a pep rally in the same ninety minutes.” Find out why.

February 6, 2019
Amanda Benckhuysen on Preaching from the Minor Prophets

Most congregations have never heard a sermon preached from the prophetic books of Nahum or Obadiah. Other than a few choice passages in Jeremiah or Isaiah, the major prophets are mainly ignored too. That means worshipers are missing out on more than a quarter of inspired Scripture.

December 12, 2018
Amanda Benckhuysen on Preaching from the Minor Prophets

Most congregations have never heard a sermon preached from the prophetic books of Nahum or Obadiah. Other than a few choice passages in Jeremiah or Isaiah, the major prophets are mainly ignored too. That means worshipers are missing out on more than a quarter of inspired Scripture.

December 12, 2018

John McClure on How Liturgical Practices Can Shape Conversations in a Pluralistic World

Christian liturgical practices—confession, intercession, and preaching—contain wisdom that can bring compassion and consensus to public conversations around contentious moral issues.

December 4, 2018
John McClure on How Liturgical Practices Can Shape Conversations in a Pluralistic World

Christian liturgical practices—confession, intercession, and preaching—contain wisdom that can bring compassion and consensus to public conversations around contentious moral issues.

December 4, 2018
Duane Kelderman on the Challenge of Preaching in a Fragile Europe

A Dominican preaching colloquium addresses the challenge of preaching in contemporary Europe, where secularism, individualism, and a lack of cultural consensus have given rise to fear, division, and xenophobia.

November 16, 2018

Duane Kelderman on the Challenge of Preaching in a Fragile Europe

A Dominican preaching colloquium addresses the challenge of preaching in contemporary Europe, where secularism, individualism, and a lack of cultural consensus have given rise to fear, division, and xenophobia.

November 16, 2018
The Role of a Peer Learning Group in My Preaching Journey

God’s message of inclusiveness reaches past the walls that divide us, says Deborah Jungmi Kang, a Korean pastor serving a largely Anglo-American church in Illinois. As Kang develops her preaching voice, a peer learning group provides support.

October 2, 2018
What I Learned through Preaching Partnerships

Fred Provencher has participated in two preaching peer groups in his twenty-plus years of ministry. Read his reflections along with his advice for younger preachers.

October 2, 2018