Show, Don't Tell: Keeping Sermons Vivid
Throughout the average week people talk about their lives and their families and their work through stories about whosaid what, how a certain event came about, and what something looked like and felt like when it happened. But too oftenon Sundays preachers present sermons that are short on vivid stories and long on description and the doling out of facts.In this workshop those who preach sermons and those who listen to sermons will explore both why vividness in sermons is vital and some ideas on how to make this happen in sermons as well.
Show, Don't Tell: Keeping Sermons Vivid
Throughout the average week people talk about their lives and their families and their work through stories about whosaid what, how a certain event came about, and what something looked like and felt like when it happened. But too oftenon Sundays preachers present sermons that are short on vivid stories and long on description and the doling out of facts.In this workshop those who preach sermons and those who listen to sermons will explore both why vividness in sermons is vital and some ideas on how to make this happen in sermons as well.
Transformational Preaching: Engaging with Exodus and the Old Testament
This seminar explores the art of building a bridge back to the world of the Bible and then bringing the drama back to our generation.
Transformational Preaching: Engaging with Exodus and the Old Testament
This seminar explores the art of building a bridge back to the world of the Bible and then bringing the drama back to our generation.
Transformational Preaching: Engaging with Exodus and the Old Testament, part 2
Explore the art of building a bridge back to the world of the Bible and then bringing the drama back to our generation
Green Congregations Celebrate God’s New Creation in Worship
Christians often remind each other that worship is more about God’s beauty and glory than about us.
Worship in the Season of Creation and Earth-Themed Sundays
Green congregations around the world celebrate the Season of Creation, emphasize earth keeping throughout the Christian Year and plan other earth-themed Sundays.
Day of Learning June 19, 2013
A Day of Learning brings together grant recipients and community members to discuss, share, and worship together as well as to consider how disciplined creativity, theological integrity, and healthy leadership practices work together in the worship renewal process.
Preaching in a Visual Age
From St . Augustine to Martin Luther and from George Whitfield to Martin Luther King Jr., preaching the gospel has been the very heart of the Christian church’s approach to renewal and engaging society with the claims of God and God’s Kingdom.
Preaching in a Visual Age Workshop
Many preachers and Christians wonder: What place does “preaching” have in our image-shaped world? How do we bring the gospel word to people inundated by images?
Robert Nordling on Orchestras as Models of Christian Formation
In December 2012, Robert Nordling gave an extended interview. In this edited excerpt, he explains how orchestras can help Christians grow together in faith.
The Church’s Unity: A Healthy Witness
Fourth worship service in a collection of building blocks for a series of worship services based on key themes from the Belhar Confession