Planning Worship

Faith Communities and Safe Dwelling Places

Philosopher and author Lee Hardy noticed derelict buildings near his church for decades before realizing that faith-based communities have valuable resources to address the affordable housing crisis.

March 1, 2021
Lee Hardy on Housing, Justice, and Worship

Completing a grant project on faith communities and affordable housing convinced Lee Hardy that justice and worship are internally linked. That’s why he says worship services should include housing justice, and Christians and congregations should advocate to change unjust systems.

March 1, 2021
2018 JJ Thiessen Lecture #2 - Praise Beyond Cliché and Other Practices of Transfigured Cruciform Engagement

Violence, Injustice, Trauma, and the Ordinary Practices of Christian Worship in a Social Media Age, a 3-part lecture series with Dr. John Witvliet

February 11, 2021

J. Todd Billings on Embracing Our Mortality

Unless we are very ill or old, many of us avoid thinking about our deaths. J. Todd Billings’s new book, The End of the Christian Life, explains that remembering our mortality and learning to die well will give us a more profound view of true Christian resurrection hope.

January 19, 2021
Six Earthkeeping Conversation Tips

Since Christians disagree on climate change, you may think it’s best to agree to disagree. But these six tips can help you find common ground for taking positive action. It all starts with conversation.

January 5, 2021
Creation’s Sabbath

Economic lockdowns and pauses during the coronavirus pandemic offer glimpses of a renewed world. Despite COVID-19’s horrific effects, Christians can choose to reframe their lives in light of the sabbath rest that God intends for all creation.

January 5, 2021

Matthew Kaemingk and Cory B. Willson on Work and Worship

Many of us feel guilty for thinking about work during gathered worship. We don’t see a connection between what we do in worship and what we do at work. But a new book on work and worship describes biblical worship practices that help workers reclaim their place in the priesthood of all believers.

December 3, 2020
3 Songs about the Lord's Return / 3 Cantos sobre el retorno del Señor

Carlos Colón demonstrates and talks about three songs about the Lord's Return, as part of the series "Songs from the hymnal / Cantos del himnario Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy.'"

July 22, 2020
3 Songs of Blessings / 3 Cantos de Bendición

Carlos Colón demonstrates and talks about three songs of blessing, as part of the series "Songs from the hymnal / Cantos del himnario Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy.'"

June 22, 2020

Preparing to Reopen Churches for Worship during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic means churches planning to reopen will have to consider not just how to keep congregants safe, but also how to make them feel welcome. Consider these thoughtful recommendations from Yvette Lau, a pastoral musician, scholar, and teacher serving in Hong Kong.

June 15, 2020
Words to the Church from Another Time of Pandemic and Racism

The Rev. Francis Grimké’s thoughts from over a century ago are just as relevant during our current COVID-19 crisis and ongoing pleas for racial justice.

June 15, 2020
Church Responses to Infertility, Miscarriage, and Pregnancy Loss

After decades of silence, church leaders and congregations have begun accompanying people who mourn losing children before or soon after birth or letting go of dreams to form a family.

June 2, 2020