Church Year Visual Art: A Q&A with Deborah Sokolove
Artist, writer and teacher Deborah Sokolove shares images of liturgical visual arts that don’t need words to help worshipers experience the Christian church’s calendar cycle.
The Interplay of Liturgy and Catechism in the Ministry of Martin Luther and John Calvin
Some examples from the Lutheran and Reformed traditions
Songs of Praise, Lament, and Hope
The Psalms—the Holy Spirit’s inspired songbook right in the middle of the Bible—are a rich source of insight and inspiration for songwriters, singers, and worshipers of all kinds.
Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace
This festival of song, prayer, and scripture is led by the Conference Gospel Choir, a group comprised of members of the Calvin College Gospel Choir, Hope College Gospel Choir, Grand Rapids African American Youth Chorus, Calvin College Africapella, and conference participants.
Do Not Be Afraid
A symposium worship service from Isaiah 43. Mary Hulst is preaching. It is led by the Calvin University student LOFT 'Living Our Faith Together' team that gathers for Sunday evening worship.
Suffering Servant
2016 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Service. Led by Hope College worship leaders and Reggie Smith is preaching.
Rejoicing in Lament
Four pastors and scholars discuss wrestling with incurable cancer, cancerous racism and life in Christ. They offer insights into how congregations can follow the lead of the Psalms in practicing candid lament as an essential part of deeply joyful worship.
Rediscovering Biblical Lament and Christian Hope in a Congregational Context
How can congregations reclaim the biblical practice of bringing both grief and anger before the Lord in prayer and worship? How can these practices ultimately be an expression of Christian hope in God’s promises?
Wording the Sunday Sermon
One of the preacher’s big challenges is finding language for the Sunday sermon that will engage the most of her or his listeners. But what kind of language is that? What are some of its features?
Connecting Sunday's Worship to Monday's Work
“Faith and Work” has recently become a major theme of Christian renewal in congregations across North America and beyond.
Canyon Reflection
For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and hills before you shall burst into song… Isaiah 55:12, NRSV
What You Can Learn from Visiting Churches
College and seminary professors offer church observation guides for their students. You can use their insights to learn more when you visit other churches. This process can also help you understand how people experience liturgical practices in your own congregation.