Storytelling and Testimony in Christian Worship
Celebrating its 150th anniversary led First Baptist Church of McMinnville, Oregon, into a practice of storytelling and testimony in worship. They learned how stories cross boundaries and time and connect people with God’s big story.
From Barriers to Belonging: The Church and People with Disabilities
Led by Erik W. Carter, this session focuses on ten dimensions of belonging and their salience to the inclusion of people with intellectual disability, autism, and other developmental disabilities in the full life of the church.
Songs of the Refugees
Songs and prayers of the refugees, a vesper service led by Jaewoo Kim and Proskuneo held at Worship Symposium 2018.
Isaac Wardell on Bringing Work into Worship
Daily work, paid and unpaid, consumes our lives, energy, and minds—even when we are in church. Here are ways to plan worship so people see themselves and their work as instruments of God.
Isaac Wardell on Rethinking Calling and Vocation
Not everyone feels called to their job or experiences it as way to use their gifts to accomplish great things for God. There is a more satisfying way to think about how God calls each of us.
Mutuality in Worship: Sharing Our Stories and Gifts
This workshop focused on practical ways to involve people's stories, songs, and gifts in our corporate worship times—all with the goal of unity in diversity.
After the Benediction: Putting Faith to Work the Other Six Days
This presentation focused on the multiple avenues through which the supports and relationships available within congregation can meet real needs in the lives of people with disabilities and their families throughout the week.
Beyond Stigma to Hospitality: Creating a Gracious Space for People with Mental Illness
Worship and fellowship are sometimes difficult for people with mental illness because few people understand their experience and their needs in worship.
Jaewoo Kim on Making Room for Multicultural Worship
To worship in line with the Lord’s Prayer—on earth as it is in heaven—requires making room in worship for stories, songs, and gifts from many cultures. Doing so depends in part on how churches form their views about refugees and immigrants.
David Bailey and Erin Rose on White Supremacy
Churches often shy away from conversations about white supremacy or which lives matter. A Presbyterian elder and a worship leader explain how to pastorally move toward effective reconciliation ministry.
David Bailey and Erin Rose on Charlottesville, Violence, and Preaching
Seeing violence and racism up close is ugly. Two Presbyterians discuss how to help congregations prepare for and respond to divisive events.
Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion, and Truth in Christian Worship and Life
All over the world, Christian churches are struggling to obey the Bible’s clear commands to welcome the stranger, to displace the fear that leads to exclusion, and to both extend and receive mutual hospitality as gifts of God’s Spirit.