Pastoral Care

Reggie Smith on Theology Underlying Sociology

What churches profess and what they do sometimes clash. Sharing stories, sitting with those who suffer, praying, and listening in silence for God can help churches harmonize theology and sociology.

September 1, 2017

Designing Worship from the Bottom Up: Practical Ethnographic Tools for Worship Leaders

The “Faith and Work” movement has become popular in many churches in North America in recent years. Many have sought to bridge the gap between Sunday worship and Monday work by showing how Christian liturgy and theology affect how we approach our weekday work. But our weekday work also affects how we inhabit Sunday worship in profound ways, and those who lead and craft liturgies do well to be attentive to this reality.

March 7, 2017
The Economies of Pentecost: Postcolonial Reflections on Pastoral Care, Healing, and Christian Worship

An annotated research guide from the field of practical theology, focusing on pastoral care and the African American experience

February 24, 2017

Trauma, Culture Care, and Public Worship

What does faithful ministry look like after trauma? What if that trauma is public trauma, like ministry after 9-11 in New York or after recent trauma in Ferguson or Orlando?

February 24, 2017
Here Are My Hands: A Practical Workshop on Affirming Vocation in Weekly Worship Practices

Isaac Wardell, Bruce Benedict, and Laura Fanucci provide some very practical first steps for congregations with a desire to address vocation in worship.

February 23, 2017
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Your Church

With one in 68 individuals being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is likely that your worshiping community already includes someone with ASD. If you are a pastor, worship leader, musician, church school teacher, or church volunteer, discover specific ways to identify, interact with, and worship with persons with ASD.

February 15, 2017