
From Isolation to Encirclement: Finding the Preaching Voice Among Peers

By preaching to trusted peers and hearing their reflections, even veteran pastors can find transformation in the practice of preaching.

July 23, 2018
The Impact of Peer Learning Groups for the Preaching Life

The leader of preaching peer groups in northern Indiana and on Chicago’s South Side shares his insights about what makes these groups so effective.

July 16, 2018
The Challenge of Preaching in Bilingual Communities

Preaching to peers in a homiletics cohort opened Antonio Almonte’s eyes to the differences in how listeners perceive his preaching in English versus Spanish. As a result, he adjusted his English-language preaching style.

July 11, 2018

Seven Challenges in Multicultural, Multi-congregational Worship

Worshiping regularly with a congregation culturally dissimilar from yours is challenging but worth it. Understanding these challenges can also help you change worship to better include different cultural groups within your church.

July 6, 2018
Multicultural Congregations Meet for Combined Worship Services

Three church groups started out as separate congregations sharing one building. Now regularly-scheduled joint worship helps them see themselves as members of one body in Christ.

July 6, 2018
Serious Play: Insights from Augustine and Other Friends from the Early Church on Leading Worship and Administering Sacraments

Led by Lester Ruth, this workshop explored insights from Augustine and others in the early church that can break open playful, Scriptural imagination for leading in worship.

May 9, 2018

Bilingual Worship: Three Lessons I Learned

A worship pastor shares lessons she learned through leading bilingual worship at an intercultural, intergenerational bilingual ministry in Pasadena, California.

March 29, 2018
Paul S. Ryan and Luke Enders on the Calvin 50 Song Collection

What we sing in worship shapes our vision of who God is and what God cares about. One college chose a list of 50 worship songs to help its students sustain a life of faith.

March 22, 2018

Growing in Intimacy with God

This workshop first explored how worship leaders, musicians, and pastors can personally grow in Christ, and then it suggested ways that public worship can encourage similar maturity for all people.

March 14, 2018
Six Qualifications of a 21st Century Worship Leader

This workshop, led by Ed Willmington, discussed six qualities of an equipped twenty-first century worship leader and provided thoughts for implementing each practice.

March 14, 2018
Reggie Smith on Churches Called to Become Multicultural

Considering the “Joseph question” and the “Jonah question” can help congregations overcome fear of talking about race, culture, and how God might be calling them to change

March 8, 2018