The Art of Communication in Worship
From the worship leader to the projection screen, everything in the worship environment communicates something . . . .Good or bad.
Matthew 6:25-34, A Choral Reading for 3-6 readers
This is a drama script based on Matthew 6:25-34 from the NRSV.
Psalm 103: A Choral Reading for 8 adults and 1 child
This is a drama script for 8 adults and 1 child based on Psalm 103 from NRSV.
Luke 15:11-32: A Choral Reading for 4 adults or youth
This is a drama script adapted for 4 speakers. It is based on Luke 15:11-32 from the NRSV.
Psalm 104: A Choral Reading for 10
This is a drama script for 10 speakers based on Psalm 104 from the NRSV.
Reading Scripture Well: A Workshop
Suggestions for reading scripture well in worship
Psalm 22:1-11, 22-29: A choral reading
This is a drama script based on Psalm 22. It is adapted for 2 groups each of 6 speakers.
Writing Content for Congregations
The written communication of your congregation has great potential to bless members, newcomers, and the community. Your congregation has unique stories of the love and care of God. It is worth your while to evaluate and tweak current church content and write new materials. Doing so will help people grow together in becoming more like Christ.
Ten Tips for Reading Scripture in Public Worship
An article offering practical tips and exercises for public reading of Scripture.
David Van Biema on Why the Psalms Matter
David Van Biema left his job as chief religion writer at TIME Magazine to work on a forthcoming book about the Psalms for Simon & Schuster. He gave this interview while visiting Calvin College in September 2011.
A Little Give and Take: How Words Shape Our Worship Worlds
How we describe realities matter, and, the words and images we use matter much. Our language not only describes a given reality, but in some ways, also designs it.
Wrapping up Two Reading Groups
During the fall of 2010, the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship sponsored two sets of book groups using two of our recent publications: Worship Words, by Debra Rienstra and Ron Rienstra and Shaped by God, edited by Robert Keeley.