
Restorative Justice Weekday Worship

This was designed as a short, reflective service that encourages time for prayer for issues related to restorative justice. This service specifically prays for prisoners, but it also acknowledges that all people need to seek forgiveness and work for reconciliation.

February 24, 2011
Jubilee: Reflections

This was a handout at one of two plenary sampler sessions that introduced several of the leaders at the Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts on Friday, January 14, 2000.

February 24, 2011
Checklist for Justice in worship

The following is a check list for planning worship services that reflect a concern for justice; this list was distributed at the "Just Worship" conference in Edmonton, Alberta, in January 2003.

February 24, 2011

Worship, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation

Forgiveness and reconciliation lie at the heart of the gospel of Jesus. For Jesus, who is our peace, puts to death hostility and enmity. Still, profound hostility is still the defining feature of life for billions of people—the hostility of gunfire and persecution, the hostility of racism and fear, the hostility of family dysfunction and church disunity.

June 17, 2010
Worshiping the Trinity in Exile: The Prophetic Church with a Post-Era Mission

In a post-postmodern, high-tech, super-hyped, and anti-institutional world, how should we be Church and how should we be the Church at worship and in mission? How will our means match the ends so that worship is faithful to the Jesus of the cross?

March 23, 2010

The Church for the Sake of the World: Urban Challenges Today

This workshop focused on discerning and acting on the call to integrate worship with ministry in order to be with those who are least and last through the example of LaSalle Street Church in downtown Chicago with a 40 year history in social engagement.

March 23, 2010
How to Connect Church-Based Community Ministry Programs to Corporate Worship

Starting with his own very diverse church and community connections, Tony Campbell explored the many different ministry opportunities Christians have to deepen relationships between church and community, and offer a variety of ways to celebrate those relationships in worship.?

March 22, 2010