
Jane Chandler on Morning Prayer at Nursing Homes

Residents of senior living facilities do not have to be Episcopalian to appreciate regular onsite morning prayer services. Your congregation could offer a similar ministry.

August 2, 2016
Nancy Foran on a “Wisdom of Our Elders” Service

Residents of senior living facilities often are treated as recipients of worship services presented by visiting groups. Nancy Foran offers an alternative design to receive and honor the wisdom of older adults.

August 2, 2016

Stephen Martin on Music that Wakes Up Older Minds

Your students or small group can use hymns and Christian songs to design meaningful personalized worship for older adults living in their own homes or in care facilities.

August 2, 2016

Sandra Van Opstal on Multicultural Preaching

A majority of U.S. Christians born before 1965 are white. However, the fastest growing groups in the U.S. as a whole and in its churches are people of color. Preaching must change to reflect this diversity so that all generations and nations can encounter God through the Word

April 8, 2016

Wisdom for Leading Through Changes

Is your worshiping community facing change in worship and looking for wisdom and advice? Do you believe change is needed in your worship and wonder how to initiate it in healthy ways?

April 6, 2016
Faith Formation, Cradle to Grave

Churches have a variety of faith forming activities. It can be difficult to see how they fit together to form the faith of young and older members of the congregation. Worship is one of the few activities that many churches do with all ages.

March 14, 2016