A Potpourri of Tips on Writing and Choosing Songs for Worship
Can the world still use new worship songs? Yes. Does their worth depend on how much they sound like other songs or how many people hear and sing them? No.
Contemporary Worship Music Matures
Theologically serious song writers are acknowledging Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in contemporary songs that unite head and heart. A feature story exploring how contemporary music is maturing theologically.
What is Vital Worship?
A summary of the meanings and implications of vital worship.
Freedom and Framework, Spirit and Truth: Recovering Biblical Worship - N.T. Wright
Biblically correct worship—is there such a thing?
Hospitality in Worship: A Reflection of God's Gracious Character
I did not become passionate about hospitality until I realized that it had to be rooted in grace. Not until my desire to reflect Gods hospitality to me, in no longer calling me a stranger, but in calling me a friend, did the hospitality I extend to others become linked to grace. When that happened, then hospitality became more than technique and more than a task.