
Understanding Differences in Bible Translations

God designed the gospel to be translated into every language. English speakers have created hundreds of Bible translations, versions, and updates. Here’s help for finding blessings in the bewildering variety.

April 10, 2012

Diez convicciones esenciales en cuanto al acto de adoración cristiana

En el décimo aniversario del Calvin Institute of Christian Worship [Instituto Calvin de la Adoración Cristiana] en 2007, identificamos diez principios y prácticas esenciales para presentar como nuestras convicciones centrales sobre la adoración Cristiana vital. Estas convicciones esenciales no son innovaciones. Son verdades intemporales de la Escritura y de la historia rica de la adoración Cristiana. Oramos que esta tentativa de reiterar y de reforzar la importancia de estas convicciones esenciales llevará a conversaciones más fructuosas sobre el significado y la práctica de la adoración Cristiana.

February 27, 2012

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Veterans Resource Guide

These resources focus on PTSD as a result of combat or military exposure. Many voices are calling for the church to be a significant partner in the complex readjustment process of returning home.

June 27, 2011

Vertical Habits: Relational Words for Worship

In 2006, the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship commissioned 23 congregations and schools to explore the theme of Vertical Habits, to learn how the words we use in our relationships also shape our worship.

May 1, 2011
Love Takes Practice: Christian Worship as a Pedagogy of Desire

We are what we love. This biblical notion is found across the Christian tradition, from Paul and Augustine to Luther and Edwards. But what are its implications for worship? Explore how Christian worship forms and shapes our love to make us a people who desire the kingdom of God, as well as how Christian worship counters the formation of "secular liturgies."

April 18, 2011