Prayers for God's Leading: Matthew 22:34-40
Shaping a time of prayer for dwelling with Bible texts, prayer responses, songs of faith, and a concluding benediction.
Prayers for God’s Leading: Micah 6:8
Shaping a time of prayer for dwelling with Bible texts, prayer responses, songs of faith, and a concluding benediction.
Prayers for God’s Leading: James 1:2–5
Shaping a time of prayer for dwelling with Bible texts, prayer responses, songs of faith, and a concluding benediction.
Prayers for God's Leading
An emerging series of devotional and liturgical resources that explore the richness and breadth of scripture texts around discernment and calling.
Praying for God’s Leading: Philippians 1:9-11
Shaping a time of prayer for dwelling with Bible texts, prayer responses, songs of faith, and a concluding benediction.
Faithful Anti-Racism Leadership Development Cohorts - November 2021
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship invites individuals and organizations to participate in an online, month-long, facilitator-led cohort in which participants reflect on their cultural context and develop context-specific ways of promoting cross-cultural learning and faithful anti-racism initiatives.
Kai Ton Chau on Worship and Culture Worldwide
Kai Ton Chau teaches Calvin University students to articulate different cultural values so they can discuss and appreciate diverse forms of Christian worship. You can do something similar in your school, church, or worship context to build cultural intelligence among Christians.
Elizabeth Rodríguez sobre el ministerio con personas con discapacidad
A medida que más congregaciones se dan cuenta y reconocen que las personas con diversas capacidades pertenecen a la familia de Dios, buscan recursos y capacitación para la inclusión. Ministerio Amistad proporciona el más completo programa de estudio bíblico en español para personas con discapacidad intelectual.
Elizabeth Rodriguez on Spanish-Language Disability Ministry
As more congregations realize that all people and all abilities belong together in God's family, they seek resources and training for inclusion. Ministerio Amistad provides comprehensive Spanish-language Bible study materials for people with intellectual disabilities.
Everyday Faith: Possibilities, Limits, and Callings, with special guest Christina Edmondson
How does Christian faith relate to anti-racism efforts? What does faithful anti-racism work look like in today’s world? Watch as Dr. Christina Edmondson shares insights from her work with the online “Faithful Anti-Racism” courses and cohorts she teaches and leads in collaboration with CICW. Hear some of the core principles she teaches and some of the lessons participants have learned. Dr. Edmondson is interviewed by Noel Snyder, program manager at CICW.
Anti-Racism in the Renewing of Christian Worship.
May God give us grace and strength to resist lies, arrogance, injustice, racism, and oppression in all forms. In worship, we are called to confess sin, to lament brokenness, and to pray for the end of these travesties, even as we are called to preach and celebrate sacramentally the gospel of Jesus Christ—in which power is made perfect in weakness, in which each person and culture is cherished as God’s gift, in which our hope is based on the life, death, resurrection, and continuing ministry of our ascended Lord, Jesus Christ. We long for a seamless connection between faithful public worship and vital Christian witness in every sector of society and in every cultural context.
Two Pastors on Christian Worship in Politically Divided Times
Many preachers and congregations claim that politics have no place in their worship. But pastors Meg Jenista Kuykendall and Katie Ritsema-Roelofs say that addressing public issues in worship is essential for congregations to become to Christlike communities.