Faith Formation

Praying and Leading with the Psalms

This workshop offers ideas and activities, many of which have been used with junior high, high school, and college youth, for working with the psalms in small groups or educational settings to prepare pieces that can help lead worship or devotional study.

February 25, 2015
Worship and Discipleship: Unresolved Questions in Contemporary Ministry

This workshop features candid, wide-ranging discussions about the most important themes that worshiping communities may need to address in the next 10 years.

February 23, 2015
What North American Churches Can Learn from the Church in Pakistan

Join this conversation between Eric Sarwar, a Presbyterian pastor from Pakistan, and Emily Brink, Worship Institute staff member, about how Pakistani worship practices can bless and inform the Christian church in North America.

February 23, 2015

Outward-Faced Worship

Is Christian worship for the believer or the skeptic? Is its purpose edification or evangelism? Should worship have depth and substance or should it be accessible to those who know little or nothing about the faith?

February 23, 2015
Sticky Liturgies: Worship, Youth Ministry, and the Faith of America’s Teenagers

Research has shown that young people are abandoning the faith and leaving the church by the time they graduate from college. Might worship be part of the problem?

February 20, 2015

Jerry Sittser on Growing through Adversity and Spiritual Practices

You probably gather for worship with both lifelong worshipers and those new to the Bible. Jerry Sittser mines the history of Christian spirituality for nuggets that give life to all levels of worshipers.

January 6, 2015
What Makes All Ages Delight in the Psalms

The learning went both ways when two school communities decided to “dwell in the Psalms” for a year. Their Psalms-based creations revealed that the Spirit can work through kids and adults of any age to nourish faith.

November 7, 2014

Kathy Hanson on Youth Delivering Homilies

Usually teachers give the homily during daily worship at Mustard Seed School in Hoboken, New Jersey. When the school asked every eighth grader to give a homily, the results surprised and blessed the whole community.

November 7, 2014
Musician Sally Ann Morris on Seminarians Learning Worship

Sally Ann Morris is the chapel musician at Wake Forest University School of Divinity in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She’s involved with each of Wake Div’s twice-weekly, 45-minute chapel services.

August 29, 2014