Faith Formation

Does Church Location Make Any Difference?

Because human beings are embodied creatures, the shape of the material world—in particular, the shape of the built environment—will affect their spiritual lives, both in relation to God and to each other.

October 24, 2017
Renee Reimer on Being Rooted and Grounded in God’s Creation

Worshiping outdoors and bringing nature into worship helped one church experience more connections between God’s creation, worship, and neighbors.

October 10, 2017
Barbara J. Newman on Adult Inclusive Small Group Bible Studies

TOGETHER is a new Bible study curriculum designed to include, appeal to, and challenge adults of varying abilities. It aims to build community in ways that may enrich congregational worship.

September 29, 2017

Reflections from a Charlottesville Church . . .

Isaac Wardell, Director of Worship Arts at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, Virginia, shares reflections from his experience shepherding their Charlottesville congregation in Sunday worship through the trauma of hatred, bigotry, and violence that took place in their small town less than one day before they gathered for worship.

August 28, 2017
Why We Need to Know the History of Our Churches

The fact remains that most American Christians remain startlingly ignorant of critical aspects of their church’s history. Learning this history can help us more faithfully know ourselves, love others, and follow Christ.

August 7, 2017

Ron Rienstra on the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

Christian traditions refer to the prayer before communion as the eucharistic prayer, the Great Thanksgiving, or the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving. If your Lord’s Suppers don’t include this prayer, then you very well may be missing out on a rich opportunity for faith formation.

July 21, 2017
Ron Rienstra on Liturgical Performance and Improvisation

You might think of performance as totally out of place in Holy Communion. But performance and improvisation can help leaders and worshipers show and tell the gospel with their whole selves.

July 21, 2017

Faith Formation and Worship: A Worship Historian's View from the "End of the World"

Worship is a formative practice: through active engagement in liturgy, Christians are formed in a particular understanding of God, of others, and of themselves, and of what it means to live a Christian life in this world.

June 30, 2017