Bi-lingual Worship Resources
A guide to bi-lingual Worship Resources.
Spanish and English Together: Learning and Worshiping Interculturally
Changes in the United States’ demographics can be seen by churches as a problem or as an opportunity.
For Immigrants the Church is a Sanctuary of Protection and Refuge
an interview with pastor Melvin Valiente
The Time of Some Famous Worshipers Has Come to an End
Now there is a challenge for the church, says pastor René Molina
Music Is Just As Important As Lyrics
Because [music] helps to memorize the lyrics and make them your own, says Roberto Colón
Success in Worship is Linked with the Spiritual Life of the Worshiper
An interview with Pastor José Caballero, a pastor of the First Hispanic Baptist Church of Huntington Park, CA.
Worship Should Not Be Done in a Disorderly Manner Because The Lord Is a God of Order
Magali Pardo, Lieutenant Colonel of the Salvation Army, talks about relationship between church and people based on her previous work in several Latin American countries and current supervision of ethnic churches in three states.
Lecciones del culto antiguo para la iglesia de hoy
Los descubrimientos del siglo pasado sobre el culto en la iglesia antigua muestran claramente que tanto el culto católico como el protestante habían perdido algunos elementos fundamentales que era necesario recuperar.
Components of Sexism Interfere with Worship
Fifteen years ago Roberto Ghione was commissioned by God to start a church in Simi Valley, California, with a vision to bring people one step closer to God and spiritual growth. That is how New Hope Church was formed, which is affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church, and currently has about 120 members.
Worship is the Opportunity to Express Gratitude to God
Dr. Otto René Azurdia, originally from Guatemala, is the pastor of one of the largest Latino congregations in the United States.
La danza multicultural: Sus implicaciones para el culto cristiano
Juntos/as discerniremos algunas de las implicaciones conceptuales y prácticas de esos pasos al planear e implementar el culto en un contexto multicultural.
Superando la fatiga homilética
Este taller explorará maneras de revitalizar su predicación.