Published on
March 5, 2015
Juntos/as discerniremos algunas de las implicaciones conceptuales y prácticas de esos pasos al planear e implementar el culto en un contexto multicultural.

Usando la danza como metáfora y el texto de Mateo sobre el encuentro de Jesús con la mujer sirofenecia, los(as) participantes en este taller podrán distinguir tres pasos a seguir al relacionarnos con personas de diferentes trasfondos étnico-culturales.

Recent Media Resources

Receptive Ecumenism in Neighborhoods, Soccer Fields, and Workplaces

This session will explore how to talk about differences in Catholic and Protestant worship. Every time we talk with a neighbor, teammate, or coworker from a different Christian tradition about what we do in worship and why, we are practicing liturgical theology. When marked by both conviction and humility, these conversations have rich potential for building holy friendships and deepening our worship of God. Yet they can also backfire, perpetuating stereotypes and leaving us unsure about the point of common practices. Come to this session to learn from veteran participants in both formal ecumenical dialogues and informal neighborhood conversations about how we can engage with believers across the Protestant-Catholic divide in constructive and healing ways.

June 30, 2024
Practical Worship Planning for Holy Week

Come and join a conversation with knowledgeable and experienced preachers and worship planners as we talk about our best practices for Holy Week worship planning. Bring your questions and ideas as we share and learn together.

June 30, 2024