Gregory Heille on Pope Francis: ‘Instantly on Message’
From his first day in office, Pope Francis translated his Latin American perspective into a global vision for the Catholic Church.
Seeing from Other Viewpoints
Engaging deeply with peers and perspectives from outside your tradition is the best way to grow in your understanding of others and enrich your own view.
Karoline Lewis on Helping New Preachers Find Their Voice
For beginning preachers, both women and men, finding their authentic voice requires deep self-reflection in a supportive, respectful context.
Karoline Lewis on the Power of Women in Ministry
Women navigating life in ministry face unique challenges. Naming these realities is the first step to helping women and men recognize them and respond proactively.
Racial Injury and Trauma: Redeeming the Christian Story and the Democratic Experiment
A conversation between Danjuma Gibson, associate professor of pastoral care at Calvin Theological Seminary, and Christina Edmondson, dean of intercultural student development at Calvin College.
The Challenge of Preaching in Bilingual Communities
Preaching to peers in a homiletics cohort opened Antonio Almonte’s eyes to the differences in how listeners perceive his preaching in English versus Spanish. As a result, he adjusted his English-language preaching style.
Seven Challenges in Multicultural, Multi-congregational Worship
Worshiping regularly with a congregation culturally dissimilar from yours is challenging but worth it. Understanding these challenges can also help you change worship to better include different cultural groups within your church.
Multicultural Congregations Meet for Combined Worship Services
Three church groups started out as separate congregations sharing one building. Now regularly-scheduled joint worship helps them see themselves as members of one body in Christ.
Christina Edmondson on Church Multicultural Accessibility Committees
John 17 records Jesus’ prayer for unity “so that the world may know that you have sent me and loved them.” It is a powerful witness when churches model unity within diversity. This witness requires intention and prayer.
Christina Edmondson on Doctrine and Multicultural Hospitality
To become more multicultural, congregations must help members discern differences between biblical doctrines and cultural biases.
Matthew D. Kim on Preaching with Cultural Intelligence
Preachers who interpret scripture without paying attention to cultural, ethnic, and other differences in their congregation miss out on opportunities to build bridges to their listeners’ lives.
Anne Emile Zaki on Preaching and Teaching in Today’s Egypt
After becoming a seminary professor in Egypt in 2013, Anne Zaki discovered two things about preaching that she hadn’t learned in the North American context.