Cultural Diversity

Birgitta Johnson on Praise and Worship Music

Praise and worship music can lift worshipers’ hearts to God and unite people across culture, religious tradition, and background. But the genre is not meant to be the only kind of music in a congregation’s repertoire.

January 7, 2019
Birgitta Johnson on New African American Ecumenical Hymnal

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism is a new Protestant hymnal compiled by a core committee of worship arts ministers and scholars. It goes deep and wide into the multiple streams of black Christian music and worship.

January 7, 2019

Rosa Cándida Ramírez y Analisse Reyes comentan sobre cantar coritos

Cantar coritos - cantos breves - en español e inglés en el culto ofrece hospitalidad y facilita que la congregación aprenda nuevos conceptos sobre quién es Dios.

December 4, 2018
Duane Kelderman on the Challenge of Preaching in a Fragile Europe

A Dominican preaching colloquium addresses the challenge of preaching in contemporary Europe, where secularism, individualism, and a lack of cultural consensus have given rise to fear, division, and xenophobia.

November 16, 2018
Four Types of Advent and Christmas Eve Services: Which Have You Tried?

Experimenting with a different Advent or Christmas Eve worship format may help worshipers connect with the joy and wonder of Christ’s birth. Blue Christmas, Christmas pageants, Las Posadas, or lessons and carols make room for emotions, movement, culture, and people’s gifts.

November 15, 2018

The Role of a Peer Learning Group in My Preaching Journey

God’s message of inclusiveness reaches past the walls that divide us, says Deborah Jungmi Kang, a Korean pastor serving a largely Anglo-American church in Illinois. As Kang develops her preaching voice, a peer learning group provides support.

October 2, 2018

Emmett G. Price III on Studying Black Christian Experience

“If we don’t see each other in the Bible, we get stuck in social perplexities that cause us to not be a good witness,” says Emmett G. Price III.

September 25, 2018
Emmett G. Price III on Racial Reconciliation Resources for Congregations

Learning about diversity among Christians is a good way to embrace the ministry of reconciliation entrusted to us by God.

September 25, 2018