Christian Year

Four Types of Advent and Christmas Eve Services: Which Have You Tried?

Experimenting with a different Advent or Christmas Eve worship format may help worshipers connect with the joy and wonder of Christ’s birth. Blue Christmas, Christmas pageants, Las Posadas, or lessons and carols make room for emotions, movement, culture, and people’s gifts.

November 15, 2018
The Coming of Esau: An Advent Story

Join with Jeff Barker and Northwester College Scripture Arts Team in this worship service based on the entire dramatic, biblical story story of Esau and his younger brother, Jacob.

April 27, 2018

“We Have Seen the Lord!”: Preaching the Johannine Narratives of Jesus’s Resurrection Appearances

In this workshop we looked at John’s distinctive resurrection narratives, which emphasize both the restoration of Jesus’s relationship with his disciples broken by his death and the continuity of Jesus’s relationship with and care for all his disciples across time and place amidst the obvious differences brought about by his resurrection and return to the Father.

March 16, 2018

Renewed: Lord God, Now Let Your Servants Depart in Peace

Join Greg Scheer as he introduces one of his own songs, based on Simeon’s words in Luke 2:29-32. It works beautifully as a closing song in worship, especially during the season of Epiphany.

December 11, 2017
Renewed: Mary’s Song (Our King of Peace)

Wendell Kimbrough’s setting of Mary’s Song captures the wonder, fear, and obedience of Mary’s response to Gabriel’s message. The song is a perfect fit for Advent, Christmas, and Lessons and Carols services.

December 6, 2017

Born to Die, Born to Rise 2017

This service of Lessons and Carols from 2017 celebrates Christmas by proclaiming the Easter Gospel: "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!"

December 1, 2017
Renewed: Ready My Heart

What if we thought about Christ’s birth as an ongoing reality, rather than a one-time event? That’s just what Lois Shuford’s haunting Advent song “Ready My Heart” does: it helps us prepare our hearts for Christ to dwell in us every day.

November 27, 2017
Worship Resources for Creation Care

We confess that God created heaven and earth and everything in it. We sing that this is our Father’s world. Yet, billions of people suffer in places where so much is no longer bright and beautiful. This worship resource guide will help your community plan services that honor our Creator, who invites us to join in caring for the whole creation.

June 14, 2017