Christian Year

The Ascension in the Mission, Worship and Education of the Church

Breakout session by Gerrit Scott Dawson from With a Shout, a day-long conference held in 2006 exploring the meaning of the Ascension culminated in a community worship service at Woodlawn CRC.

March 20, 2013
Investing in a Field of Flesh

Sermon by Scott Dawson from the community-wide worship from With a Shout, a day-long conference held in 2006 exploring the meaning of the Ascension culminated in a community worship service at Woodlawn CRC.

March 20, 2013
Songs for Ascension: Looking Beyond Your Hymnal

Breakout session by Greg Scheer from With a Shout, a day-long conference held in 2006 exploring the meaning of the Ascension culminated in a community worship service at Woodlawn CRC.

March 20, 2013

Ascension, Adoption, and Homecoming

Second plenary by Tom Boogaart from With a Shout, a day-long conference held in 2006 exploring the meaning of the Ascension culminated in a community worship service at Woodlawn CRC.

March 20, 2013
With a Shout: What Difference Does the Ascension Make for Everyday Life?

This day-long conference in 2006 explored the meaning of the Ascension through worship, seminars and culminated in a community worship service at Woodlawn CRC.

March 20, 2013
Coop's Column - A Beautiful Gesture, A Fragrant Gift

In these Lenten meditations we have been paying a visit each week to a place where Jesus stopped as he with the disciples made his final journey toward Jerusalem. Our aim in doing this is to be attentive to our Savior as he makes his way toward his God-appointed destiny with suffering and death on the Cross for us. As his church, the Body he so much loves, we want to be present to him in his sufferings, and to show our love for him. We long to be close to Christ, for we cannot get enough of his presence.

March 19, 2013

Coop's Column - Will You Go With Him?

Jesus never hid his scars to win a disciple, nor lured anyone into following him by promising an immediate jackpot of blessings. On the contrary, he was forthright in declaring that to follow him would cost a person dearly. Jesus told his disciples that if to carry out his Father’s will was going to end up costing him not less than everything, it would cost them dearly too.

March 11, 2013
Coop's Column - Unswervingly Resolute

During each remaining week of Lent, we shall visit a place where Jesus stopped as he with his disciples made his final journey toward Jerusalem. We’ll note the people he met there, the words he spoke to them, and the decisions he made in order to be ready to take on the excruciating task which lay before him—to endure unspeakable humiliation and torture, and then at the end to die on a cross. Our only purpose in retracing the steps of his journey: to attend carefully to what our Lord did for us, and in response to offer him our adoration and worship.

March 4, 2013
Coop's Column - As Alert As Possible

Lent is a six-week season in the Christian year that starts with Ash Wednesday, reaches peak intensity and agony on Good Friday and finishes with a crescendo of joy and triumph at Easter.

February 15, 2013

Coop's Column- Waiting According to His Promise

The entire Biblical story breathes future. Scripture discloses a God who is unstoppably on the move toward establishing a kingdom that is breath-takingly beyond all human imagining. But how do we "wait" properly?

December 17, 2012
Thanksgiving Resource Guide

Thanksgiving celebrations were an important part of the people's worship before God. Throughout history, worshiping communities have set aside certain times and days as events of special thanksgiving to God.

September 14, 2012
Coop's Column - Pentecost

Pentecost Sunday is a day to celebrate, with full-throated thanksgiving and joy, Jesus' sending of his Holy Spirit. And, Pentecost Monday and the entire succession of days during Pentecost season, are a time of summons and challenge. Pentecost season is a time for the church to remind believers of their daily, lifelong call to bear witness to their Lord and to engage in his mission.

May 25, 2012