Practical Worship Planning for Holy Week
Come and join a conversation with knowledgeable and experienced preachers and worship planners as we talk about our best practices for Holy Week worship planning. Bring your questions and ideas as we share and learn together.
God’s Glory Departs from Israel
Led in Korean and English by the Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church Choir, directed by Chan Gyu Jang; the Living Water Church Worship Team, directed by Yohan Lee; and members of the Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary Korean communities. Anne Zaki will preach on Ezekiel 10–11, “God’s Glory Departs from Israel.”
Palm Sunday: Another Advent
Noticing and celebrating Palm Sunday’s allusions to Advent can enrich your congregation’s understanding of Holy Week and how Palm Sunday reflects both Christ’s humble first coming and his glorious return.
Pandemics and Public Worship Throughout History
As the pandemic COVID-19 brings isolation and unprecedented challenges to congregations around the world, it can be of great comfort to reflect and learn about how Christian churches have responded to epidemics and pandemics throughout history.
Lectio Divina
2019 Vital Worship Grants Colloquium | Morning Worship