Explore Publications

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Visual Arts in the Worshiping Church

Although numerous studies have examined biblical and theological rationales for using the visual arts in worship, this book by Lisa J. DeBoer fills in a piece of the picture missing so far — the social dimensions of both our churches and the various art worlds represented in our congregations.

Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity: Ritual, Visual, and Theological Dimensions

This book examines five models for understanding baptism, showing how visual images, poetic language, architectural space, and symbolic actions signify and convey the theological meaning of this ritual practice.

Greening Spaces for Worship and Ministry: Congregations, Their Buildings, and Creation Care

In Greening Spaces for Worship and Ministry, Mark Torgerson asserts that greening the built environment of a congregation is a powerful way to achieve and model a commitment to creation care.

Dwelling With Philippians

This rich, inviting volume illumines Paul's letter to the Philippians through evocative juxtapositions of visual images, poetry, and other worship-related arts with theological reflections, prayers, and more.

The Father and His Two Sons

This book highlights art from the Larry and Mary Gerbens Collection, both purchases and original commissions from contemporary artists on the story of the prodigal son. This collection now resides as part of the permanent art collection of Calvin College.