Published on
June 1, 2004
A questionnaire for evaluating how well your church is doing at including children in worship.
Karen Wilk

Check off 'yes' or 'no' for each of the following statements about the regular worship services of your congregation.



Excluding "Youth Services", children and youth regularly participate in the leadership of worship by serving as:


Musicians (consider how many do)


Greeters and/or Ushers


Offering Receivers




Prayer Leaders




Other (e.g. in dramas, dance, puppetry, etc.)


Our musicians, greeters, etc. are each expected to mentor/invite a young person into the volunteer role they are filling.


At least 75% of our church's children and youth attend worship regularly.


75-100 % of our sermons include at least one story or reference for children.


75-100 % of our sermons include at least one story or reference for youth.


75-100 % of our services include at least 2 songs that children can easily sing.


75-100 % of our services include at least 2 songs that connect with teens.


Children/youth are greeted by name by ushers and pastoral staff.


Children and youth ministries, needs and concerns are regularly included in the congregational prayer.


Children's bulletin/worship kits connected to the main theme/message are provided that aid children in reflecting and participating in worship.


Worship planners and leaders consciously consider children and youth as they prepare worship services (including choice of words, how to explain difficult passages, the purpose of different liturgical components, attention spans, etc.)


Worship services address 'critical' times in children's lives such as the first day back at school, report card day-- a 'child's agenda'.


Scripture is presented creatively so that children and youth can follow along and understand the story/message.


Services include visuals and other sensory experiences besides auditory (hearing) that facilitate learning and participation.


Parents and other adults are encouraged and trained to worship with their children and to participate and learn with their children in worship.


In my opinion, children and youth participate FULLY (not just in special moments) but in all the prayers, songs and actions that make up the worship service and are encouraged to memorize basic texts (Apostles' Creed).


In my opinion, children and youth in our congregation participate CONSCIOUSLY, knowing and understanding what each action of worship means and why it is done, having been taught about worship, liturgy, the background of hymns and other worship songs, etc.


In my opinion, children and youth in our congregation participate ACTIVELY in worship (not just passively with their minds in 'another world') but rather they experience the reality of God, dialoguing with Him alongside other worshippers.


In my opinion, children and youth are viewed as FULL PARTICIPANTS in worship not only for their sake but in order to bless the whole Body.


Give your church one point for each "Yes" answer. (Remember that the main purpose of this quiz is to help you identify strengths and weaknesses in the way your church involves young people).

23-25 Consider leading integrated worship seminars for other churches in your community!
18-22 Well done! Keep up the good work. You're on the right track.
11-17 Things are looking up. Don't stop now!
10 or less Taking this test was a good start. Begin now to integrate children and youth into the
worship life of the congregation.


  • Have everyone in your group share one thing that they learned from this exercise.
  • Compare your responses. Where there is a discrepancy (some people answered yes and others no) come to a consensus as to the 'right' answer. Remember that a 'yes' means that you are satisfied with how well your congregation is addressing this component.
  • Choose several 'yes' responses to highlight and celebrate. Decide how you will communicate these successes with the rest of the congregation. (Sure, use the bulletin or monthly newsletter but also try to think of another creative way to encourage people with this information!)
  • Choose one component to which you answered 'no', that you could take a step towards in the next month. Plan that step in detail. Answer the 'who, what, when, how' questions! (Remember to include your church's leadership in the process and get their approval).
  • Choose two more components to which you answered 'no', and plan several steps that could be taken in the next 6 months that move in the direction of addressing them.
  • Pray together - thanking God for the challenge of involving the whole congregation in worship and asking the Lord to assist you in achieving the goals you have set.

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