Published on
August 8, 2013
After writing three books about multicultural worship, Gerardo Marti has applied his research skills to what’s been called the emerging church or emergent Christianity.

After writing three books about multicultural worship, Gerardo Marti has applied his research skills to what’s been called the emerging church or emergent Christianity. Marti teaches sociology at Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina.

Gerardo Marti co-authored The Deconstructed Church: The Religious Identity and Negotiated Practices of Emerging Christianity with U.K. sociologist Gladys Ganiel. Their book is due out from Oxford University Press in 2014.

“Gladys and I have been part of emergent conversations, conferences, and relationships since the late 1990s. This large phenomenon is happening throughout the Anglophone world. Our book is a comprehensive assessment of the emerging church movement,” he said in June 2013, during an extended interview in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

In this edited excerpt, he defines the emerging church.

In this edited excerpt, Marti describes the diversity in emerging church demographics.

In this edited excerpt, he talks about what emerging Christians have in common.

Gerardo Marti is on the advisory board for a Lilly Endowment project called Changing SEA, which explores the spirituality of emerging adults. Read his research report “The Emerging Church Movement and Young Adults.”

Also in this Series

Gerardo Marti on Emerging Churches and Religious Individualism

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