Published on
March 11, 2011
A chapel outline for Taize worship


This service is patterned after worship in the ecumenical community of TaizéTheir sung and silent participatory prayer services are designed for contemplation through music, song and silence. The brothers of Taizé explain, "Short chants, repeated again and again, give it a meditative character.  Using just a few words, they express a basic reality of faith, quickly grasped by the mind.  As the words are sung over many times, this reality gradually penetrates the whole being." Scripture is read slowly, candles and icons are to enhance contemplative worship.  The different tempo of the Taizé service encourages us to break away from the hurried sense of our lives and breathe in the presence of Christ and community.



Gathering Song                 Jesus Remember Me

Silent Prayer

Meditation upon Scripture        

Sung Refrain      Bless the Lord, My Soul    (Psalm 103)   all on refrain, cantor on verses

Romans 10


Sung Refrain      O Lord, Hear My Prayer  (sing verse 1 only)

Prayers of Intercession (in 3 sections, interspersed with the sung refrain)

Sung Refrain      O Lord, Hear My Prayer  (sing verse 1 only)

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Sung Refrain      O Lord, Hear My Prayer  (sing verses 1 and 2)



Note:  These simple refrains are meant to be sung over and over, even a dozen times, to enable you to pray as you sing.  Alternate scripture texts include Isaiah 56:6-8 and Matthew 6:6, 16-18.

Watch this Chapel service, from Thursday, March 11, 2010 

Also check the Calvin College “Faith” website for other archived Taizé chapels, usually on the second Thursday of the month. 

The Taizé community in France welcomes people from all over the world for prayer and worship.  Follow the links on  this page to resources for “Prayer and Song” and a “Prayer for Each Day.” 

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