Published on
March 4, 2011
A list of songs to shape Lent. These songs range from prayers of confession to cries of lament to expressions of trust and praise for God’s grace.

Whether you sing ancient hymns or more contemporary songs of praise, they can shape your worship throughout the season of Lent and into Holy Week. 

There is a wide variety of songs for Lent, Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday available in Lift Up Your Hearts hymnal as well as songs for Lent, Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday in Psalms for All Seasons.

Also see the Lent Resource Guide.

40 (I Waited Patiently) –  U2
Ah, Holy Jesus, How Have You Offended – Johann Heermann
Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed – Isaac Watts
Amazing Grace –  John Newton
Amazing Grace Chant – Stanley Jim
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) – John Newton, Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio
And Can It Be – Charles Wesley
At the Cross – Stephen Altrogge
Before the Throne of God Above –  Vicki Cook & Charitie Bancroft
Behold the Lamb of God – Mary Nelson Keithahn
Beneath the Cross of Jesus – Elizabeth C. Clephane
Bless the Lord, My Soul (Taizé)
Calvary – African American spiritual
Change My Heart O God –  Eddie Espinosa
Christ, the Life of All the Living – Ernst C. Homburg
Christ, We Climb with You the Mountain – Herman G. Stuempfle Jr. 
Create in Me a Clean Heart (Psalm 51), Anonymous
Cry of My Heart – Terry Butler
Friends in Faith – Delores Dufner
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart – Henry Smith 
Glory to the Lamb –  Larry Dempsey
Go to Dark Gethsemane – James Montomery
God, Be Merciful to Me – Psalter 1912; Richard Redhead
God, Be Merciful to Me –  Psalter 1912, Christopher Miner
Good to Me – Craig Musseau
Great God, Your Love Has Called Us – Brian A. Wren
Holy and Anointed One – John Barnett
Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord – Ben Hudson
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us – Stuart Townend
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say – Horatio Bonar
I Lift My Eyes Up (Psalm 121) – Brian Doerksen
I Love the Lord – African-American Spiritual
I Stand Amazed – Charles H. Gabriel
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me – African-American Spiritual
I Worship You, O Lord (Psalm 30) – James Seddon, Calvin Seerveld
In Christ Alone – Stuart Townend & Keith Getty
In the Cross of Christ I Glory – John Bowring
Jesus, Friend of Sinners – Paul Oakley
Jesus Is a Rock in a Weary Land – African American spiritual
Jesus on the Mountain Peak – Brian Wren
Jesus, Remember Me (Taizé)
Jesus Set His Face – Gregg DeMey
Just As I Am without One Plea – Charlotte Elliott, William Bradbury
Knowing You – Graham Kendrick
Kyrie Eleison (many variations)
Lamb of God – Twila Paris
Lift High the Cross – George Kitchin, Michael Newbolt
Light the Fire – Bill Maxwell
Lord I Want to Be a Christian – African-American Spiritual
Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days – Claudia Frances Hernaman
Lord, You Have My Heart – Martin Smith
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling – Charles Wesley
Man of Sorrows—What a Name – Philip P. Bliss
My Jesus, I Love Thee – William Featherstone
Now Behold the Lamb – Kirk Franklin
O Christ, the Lamb of God (Agnus Dei of ancient liturgy)
O Lord, You’re Beautiful – Keith Green
O Love that Will Not Let Me Go – Georga Metheson, Christopher Miner
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded – medieval hymn
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus – Samuel Trevor Francis
Out of the Depths (Psalm 130) – Charles Purday
Perdón Señor (Forgive Us, Lord) – Jorge Lockward
Power of Your Love – Geoff Bullock
Refiner’s Fire/Purify My Heart – Brian Doerksen
Salvation Belongs to Our God – Adrian Howard
Sanctuary – John Thompson, Randy Scruggs
Shadows Lengthen into Night – Mary Louise Bringle
Somos pueblo que camina/We Are People on a Journey – tr. Carolyn Jennings
Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory – Thomas H. Troeger
Take My Life (Holiness) – Scott Underwood 
The Church’s One Foundation – S.J. Stone
The Power of the Cross – Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
The Wonderful Cross – Chris Tomlin, J.D. Walt, Jesse Reeves
There is a Redeemer – Melody Green
Throughout These Lenten Days – James Gertmenian, Thomas Tallis
To My Precious Lord – Chung Kwan Park
We Cannot Measure How You Heal – John Bell
We Are People on a Journey – Gregg DeMey
We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory – Dennis Jernigan
Were You There – African-American Spiritual
What Grace Is This – Laurie F. Gauger
What Wondrous Love Is This – American folk hymn
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – Isaac Watts
You are My Hiding Place – Michael Ledner
You Are My King (Amazing Love) – Brian Doersken
Your Mercy Flows – Wes Sutton

Read Greg Scheer’s “Meditations on Lenten Hymns

See "Four pastors and church musicians list their top songs for Lent."