Grantees in both streams of the Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants program can find information and instructions related to grant administration below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for another grant next year?

We’ve found that it’s best for grantees to focus on doing what they can with the grant they have now. Wait until your current grant ends before starting a new grant proposal.

Can I have an extension? A year isn’t long enough!

We’ve learned that extensions aren’t usually effective for Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grant projects. Stick with your original timeline, and remember: It’s important to begin well, finish well, and finish on time!

What if my contact information changes?

Please notify us in writing with updates to the contact information for anyone associated with your project. Email us at

Do CICW staff members offer consulting and coaching?

Consultation and guidance from our staff and partners are available to grant recipients in both streams of the program. We can assist in topic areas such as leadership and congregational change, collaborative worship planning, music, visual arts and presentational technology, drama and liturgical dance.

If you’d like some coaching during your grant project, send a request to