
Shively T. J. Smith on Howard Thurman and Congregational Hermeneutics

Congregations and lay Christians have methods of interpreting the Bible and faith life even if they can't articulate them. Using Howard Thurman’s image-rich meditations, scholar Shively T. J. Smith offers a visual way to reflect on applying the Bible to faith and ordinary life.

January 19, 2022
Biblical Storytelling and the Drama of the Bible

In this conversation, actor, playwright, and professor Jeff Barker shares with pastor Paul Ryan his journey in Biblical storytelling as way to help students and worshiping communities hear and see the importance of scripture memorization, speaking the text, and reclaiming 'the plays' of the Bible.

December 2, 2021

Eat This Book: What Eugene Peterson Can Still Teach Us About Loving God, the Bible, and Worship

A conversation with Winn Collier and Mary Hulst.

December 2, 2021
Navajo Christians Build Relationships through Scripture and Culture

Window Rock Christian Reformed Church used a Vital Worship Grant project to connect with more people by engaging scripture in ways reflective of Navajo cultural practices.

December 1, 2021

Worship with a Psalm

A service of spoken word, song, prayer, dance, and the visual arts based on a Psalm led by Greg Scheer, Music Associate at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

November 16, 2021
Blessed Are the Merciful

A preaching service with sung response led by Calvin University Pastor, Mary Hulst, and Calvin University Instructor of Organ, Rhonda Edgington. Based on Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

November 16, 2021