Eugene Peterson on God's Standing Invitation: Eat This Book
Whether translating the Bible from original Hebrew and Greek or writing spiritual theology, Eugene Peterson says he has one aim--getting Scripture into the hearts, minds, arms, legs, and mouths of men and women. A feature story exploring Eugene Peterson's view on Christians reading and internalizing the Bible.
The Feast of Booths: A dramatic retelling of the story in Nehemiah
A dramatic retelling of the story of Nehemiah.
Ephesians: A Model of Integral (Holistic) Worship
Paul's letter to the Ephesians demonstrates that worship is an excellent way of expressing the deepest theological teachings and also of integrating them to everyday life. Actually, Ephesians shows that life is an act of worship. This session opened up this compelling book not only for preachers and teachers, but for all who long for a deeper biblical perspective on worship.
Preaching in a Postmodern Culture
Christ is the same "yesterday, today, and tomorrow."
Using More Psalms in Worship
Find out why Christians from many traditions are rediscovering the Psalter for singing, prayer, and worship. A feature story exploring the use of the psalms in worship.
Soaking in Scripture: Memorization and public reading
Many churches devote far more planning and worship service time to music, the sermon, and other service elements than they do to public Scripture reading. A feature story exploring the importance of Scripture memorization and public reading.
A word study on "psalm," calling out the deep historical tradition of not only reading, but also singing psalms.
Recordings of Psalms
Resources for Psalmody including recordings, readings, chant, responsorial & metrical psalms, and contemporary & popular music idioms.
A Reformed Approach to Psalmody: The Legacy of the Genevan Psalter
The Genevan Psalter is the most important source of metrical psalmody in the continental Reformed tradition.
Psalm 137
A Psalm setting for Psalm 137 with a simple chorus. It is an example of a folk-like musical idiom.
Psalm 23
Metrical Psalm settings for Psalm 23.
Examples of Psalm Settings
Some examples of musical psalm settings.