En Español

Rosa Cándida Ramírez y Analisse Reyes comentan sobre cantar coritos

Cantar coritos - cantos breves - en español e inglés en el culto ofrece hospitalidad y facilita que la congregación aprenda nuevos conceptos sobre quién es Dios.

December 4, 2018
The Challenge of Preaching in Bilingual Communities

Preaching to peers in a homiletics cohort opened Antonio Almonte’s eyes to the differences in how listeners perceive his preaching in English versus Spanish. As a result, he adjusted his English-language preaching style.

July 11, 2018

Bilingual Worship: Three Lessons I Learned

A worship pastor shares lessons she learned through leading bilingual worship at an intercultural, intergenerational bilingual ministry in Pasadena, California.

March 29, 2018
¡Le pidieron dar el sermón infantil!

Este material ofrece valiosos recursos prácticos para aquellas personas que tienen el privilegio y la responsabilidad de prepararse y compartir el mensaje infantil.

August 11, 2017
Marcelo Villanueva on Authentic Worship in Argentina

More people are training to lead music and worship in Protestant churches in Argentina. As in churches elsewhere, they must balance using popular songs from other cultures with creating music that helps worshipers live out their faith in the real world.

March 23, 2017

Benjamín Alicea-Lugo on Praise y Adoración Bilingual Hymnal

Praise y Adoración is a new private-market bilingual hymnal and worship resource by Benjamín Alicea-Lugo and Irma Cuevas Alicea. It has 950 song texts in English and Spanish and comes in three editions.

December 14, 2016
Singing in Spanish and English: Reflections of Musicians and Educators

Carlos Colón and Maria Monteiro are Texas Baptists, educators and musicians. They serve on a team that is compiling a fully bilingual Spanish-English hymnal for Protestants.  

November 30, 2016